Benefits of trees

Trees Cool the Earth — On average the Earth can be 27 degrees cooler in the shade of a tree.

Trees Reduce Energy Consumption — By shading buildings trees cool homes by up to 20 degrees. The evaporation of a single large tree can produce the cooling effect of 10 room size air conditioners operating 24 hours per day. Trees can help reduce heat costs in the winter by acting as a barrier to wind while still letting the sun shine onto the home during the colder months.

Drawing by Ally Levine

Drawing by Ally Levine

Trees Help Maintain the Water Cycle — Vegetation (trees among it) is key in maintaining the water cycle. Plants draw water as a key ingredient to make its food. This drawn water, carbon dioxide, and energy from sunlight combine to make the plant's food (simple sugars) in a process called photosynthesis. The basic elements of water are hydrogen and oxygen. They break apart during photosynthesis and the oxygen is released into the atmosphere. The tree gets its food and humans get Oxygen. The amount of rainfall and snow directly influences the amount of moving water available to use in hydropower.  Water vapor from surface water evaporation and tree transpiration of water forms clouds in the air.


Drawing by Ally Levine adopted from realtrees4kids

Drawing by Ally Levine adopted from realtrees4kids

Trees Filter Pollutants

  • Trees keep our air and water cleaner.

  • The canopy of the tree filters out small particles in the air called particulates. Without trees and other vegitation we would live in a dust bowl.

  • Trees store carbon dioxide. When we cut down a tree, it begins to decays, the stored carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere contributing to the green house effect.

  • Tree roots help filter out chemicals released into the land to keep our ground water supply cleaner.

  • Trees reduce up to 60% of the ground level pollutants

Trees Prevent Erosion

  • The roots of trees help keep the ground stable and keep the top-soil in place by preventing wind erosion and slowing storm water run-off.

  • This fire hydrant illustrates an erosion problem. When first installed, the painted part of the fire hydrant was level with the ground. Storm water run off has eroded 12 inches of soil from the land.

Healing Properties of Trees — More than 2000 different types of trees are currently used for medicinal purposes, such as fighting cancer, coronary conditions, memory loss, HIV AIDS, asthma, and hemorrhoids.

Commonly known medicines:

  • Aspirin originally came from the bark of the White Willow.

  • Oil from the Eucalyptus tree treats coughs, sore throats, bronchitis and asthma.

  • Medication for Malaria, Quinine, originally came from the bark of the evergreen Cinchona Tree.


Trees Promote Social Well Being

  • People meet, play and rest under the shade of a tree.

  • Wherever trees are, we see better relationships and stronger ties, fewer reports of violence, quicker recovery from illness, greater relaxation and well being.

  • Trees reduce noise pollution by 50%.

  • Trees are beautiful and inspiring!

Trees Provide Habitat for Animals

  • Trees provide habitat for many kinds of animals, birds and insects.

  • The life of a tree impacts other parts of the ecosystem. Trees provide flowers on which honeybees gather pollen for making honey. These bees are in decline because of the reduction in flowering plants and trees from which they gather pollen. These insects play a vital role in the production of food by pollinating plants. Their decline threatens the sustainability of crops and food production.


Trees Increase Market Value

  • Most home buyers are attracted to homes where trees are among the landscape.

  • Businesses thrive where street trees are prominent.

  • Trees increase property values between 5-15% .

  • People enjoy urban forested communities more, stay longer and work more productively

Trees Improve Traffic Safety

  • Tree lined streets give the perception of a more narrow street and closely spaced trees give the perception of speed as drivers pass by them.

  • Street trees act as a buffer between automobiles and pedestrians.

  • When trees line the road around the curve, drivers can see a curve coming in the road more easily

These are among the many benefits of trees. By planting trees your efforts will enhance your local community and help the Earth. Take time today and everyday to appreciate the value of trees. Plant a tree today!