The primary energy found in all of nature comes to light in the healing properties of herbs and the nutrition found in plants. We offer the following tools and resources:
The Herbal Reference Guide is a database of some common herbs used in western herbalism. There are three easy ways in which the materials can be used.
Alphabetical – the herbs are listed alphabetically by their common names. If there is a specific herb for which you are looking, you can go right to it.
System search – if you are looking for an herb that relates to a particular body system, such as the respiratory or circulatory system, use the System files to look through different herbs that have affinities to those specific systems.
Symptom search – if there is a symptom that you want to address using herbs, conduct a key-word search through the entire herbal Reference Guide. Open the Reference Guide and enter your key-word search for a particular word like throat, stomach, or rash. You can quickly scroll through all of the herbs selected out through that search.
Please use your browser's Search functionality (Control-F) to find the Herb, system, or symptom you are interested in. The Complete Herbal Reference Guide is in this page, down below.
Wood, Matthew ‘The Earthwise Herbal: A Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants’
Wood, Matthew ‘The Earthwise Herbal: a Complete Guide to New World Medical Plants‘
Hoffmann, David ‘Medical Herbalism’
Tierra, Michael ‘Planetary Herbology’
(W) Wikipedia
The above listed references are the sources which the following material has been gathered from. Each of the herbs has an indication regarding which specific reference was used. This reference is indicated with a (1), (2), and so forth in the line following the Latin name of the herb.
In the material that follows you will find a listing of an herb’s common name, by which a nursery or an herb supplier often call it. Following this, is information regarding the herb’s family, habitat, considerations around collecting the herb and the parts most commonly used. The herbal listings are set up to help you gain a better horticulture understanding of the plant. There is a section which identifies some of the ways the herbs can be prepared; and for a more detailed explanation of these methods, one can refer back to the preparations page. Also, there are sections which identify the constituents of the herb, its tastes, effects, and its common medicinal uses. These sections refer to the therapeutic aspects of the herb, and help an individual identify when and how the consumption of a particular herb may prove to be beneficial. Lastly, there are sections which mention contraindication, or when caution is advised around the herb, as well as, information pertaining to dosha, Ayurvedic considerations, and the history or folklore of the herb.
Measurement Key: 1ml = 20 drops
Latin Name: Aralia Racemosa (2), (4)
Common Name: Spikenard (also known as bearberry and Indian root, petty morrel, life-of-man, spignet, elk clover)
Family: Ginseng or Arakia
Habitat: In Arizona and New Mexico it grows in the wettest coolest, and shadiest canyons of the desert mountains, usually from 4,500-7,500 feet.
Botany: These are large robust plants, often six to eight feet tall, with large compound, usually pinnate leaves, with serrated little teeth all along the leaflets. The greenish white flowers form umbels like plants in the Parsley (Umbelliferae) family. Little berries are purple and spicy-sweet like those of its close relative Ginseng. It shows step-like leaf scars at the top of the root showing a previous year’s growth. The root is cream colored, brown skinned, has a brown furry tuft where the stem comes out of the ground, is fleshy, with oil oozing from cuts, especially around the cortex. The stems are solid, not hollow like relatives in the Umbellica family.
Parts Used: Root, dry roots are good for about a year
Collecting: If there are pools coming out of a desert canyon, head up and take a look in some of the darkest crevices.
Infusion: use one-half ounce of herb in a pint of boiling water as a chi tonic it might be more effective when roasted with honey
Tincture: (1:5, 60%), 10-20 drops 3x per day
Alcohol honey extract: use 1 part fresh root and 5 parts honey, finely chopped and simmered in water for an hour, then strain and bottle. Add to the decoction enough alcohol to bring the alcohol concentration above 30% and the honey (honey can be added to taste). Will keep well in the fridge.
Infusions and Decoctions: work well, but first finely chop the large dried pieces down
Powdered root: can be applied to open itching sores or eruptions
Constituents: essential oil, tannins, saponins, sapogenins, diterpene acids, choline, chlorogenic acid, ursolic acid, b-sitosterol, araloside, oleanolic acid glycosides, and several panaxosides
Taste: warm, and oily, pungent/sweet, acrid and stimulating.
Effects: alterative, adaptogen, diffusive, diaphoretic, stimulant, balsamic, diuretic, chi tonic, expectorant, carminative,
Medical Use:
Stimulates the adrenal cortex, helps with weakness, fatigue, and timidity
Improves metabolism of fats and oils, helps with digestive weakness
Regulates and reduces blood sugar swings
Excellent for upper respiratory allergies, irritable membranes, sneezing, coughing and clear mucus; and because it goes ‘deeper’ treats chronic pulmonary diseases, and can thin mucus if it is thick or heavy
Warms and stimulates uterus moving stagnant blood and aiding menstruation, and working as an overall excellent blood purifier, stimulating phagocytosis in white blood cells
Helpful with aiding rheumatic aches and pains
Good on all skin diseases, pimples, or eruptions
Accumulation of uric acid in the system, and rheumatism
Secondary uses as part of treatment for venereal disease
Contraindications: not recommended during pregnancy
Environmentally sensitive on the ‘to watch list’
Dosha: KV- P+
History or Folklore: its furry tuft shows it as being a signature of ‘bear medicine’
Known to ‘clean out clogged ducts’, particularly milk ducts; it is good medicine to take before a fast, it pumps up the cortisone so that the body can pull lipids and fats out of storage.
It makes childbirth easier and shortens the length of labor, if the tea is taken some time before labor, and in combination with it being taken the last few weeks of pregnancy
Latin Name: Nepeta Cataria (1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Catnip (catmint, field balm)
Family: Lamiaceae(Mint)
Botany: characteristic mint, entire plant is distinctively fuzzy with a texture like flannel. Flowering both at the upper leaf axils and in terminating spike-like clusters, blooming mid to late summer. Grows in full sun in rich or moist soil
Parts Used: leaf, flowering top
Collecting: be mindful of where it is harvested, wild patches often grow near contaminated areas
Herb is gathered before flowering and prepared as fresh tea or tincture; it loses properties when dried
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%) 2-6ml 3x per day
Infusion: particularly good for infants) pour 1C boiling water over 2 teaspoons of dried herbs and leave to infuse in a covered container for 10-15 minutes – and this to be drank 3x per day
Constituents: high is trace minerals and vitamins, compounds that break down into nepetalactone (a substance similar to the valepotriates found in valerian – hence the acrid flavor), essential oils (carvacrol and thymol, citronellal, nerol, geraniol, pulegone, nepetalic acid), iridoids (including epideoxyloganic acid, 7-deoxyloganic acid), tannins
Taste: acrid, cooling pungent, bitter, resinous
Effects: antispasmodic, emmenagogue, anodyne, aromatic, relaxant, diaphoretic, carminative, nervine, antibiotic, sedative, astringent, stomachic
Medical Use:
Particularly recommended for children (helping with colic and fever), and with bronchitis, and generally effective against colds and flu
Good for pain and conditions resulting from energy pressing upward (hernia, stomach cramps or headaches) -- eases an over acidic stomach caused by nerves
A must for all parents (very overall soothing for children) beneficial for children who mentally suppress and are quite or troubled (also for hyperactivity in children) – in addition to being good for treating diarrhea in children
Helps with motion sickness or nervousness being on a plane
Lessens fatigue from muscular exertion
Helps skin irritations, hives, fever, acne, and brings rashes to the surface
Highly recommended as an enema, expelling worms, and even headache
Contraindications: not to be used for extended periods of time with children
Has almost narcotic effect when overused
Never boil
History or Folklore: traditionally used as a cold and flu remedy
Dosha: PK-
Latin Name: Allium Sativum (1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Garlic
Family: Liliaceae (lily)
Parts Used: bulb
A clove can be eaten daily as a prophylaxis
Infusion: three to five cloves in an infusion
Constituents: Alliin, organic sulfur compounds (including alliin, which converts to allicin), enzymes, B vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, vitamins A and C, nicotinic acid
Taste: warm, moist, oily, pungent, sweet, slightly salty
Effects: Simulative, detoxifier, antimicrobial, antibacterial (unlike typical antibiotics it kills foreign bodies while supporting flora of the intestine), nutritive (the oil), is both catabolic and anabolic, carminative, expectorant, alterative, antifungal, antiviral, blood sugar regulant, laxative, diuretic, male aphrodisiac, anticancer, parasiticide, digestive, antiamoebic, mildly emmenagogue, yang tonic
Medical Use:
Herb is rarefying or dissolving so it thins clotting substances and expels them
Stimulates internal metabolism, eliminates waste which would continue to feed bacteria and supports rebuilding of new tissue
Stimulates the production of substance that relaxes arteries (but only while taking it)
Helps in conditions of excess: nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, and weight loss or gain
Ear infection aided by a drop of oil into the ear
Aid in increases circulation
Counteracts lower back and joint pain; helping with arthritis and rheumatism
Used for animal bites, and insect stings, and heavy metal poisoning
Used for both chronic and acute diseases
Taken internally both as a preventative and a treatment for intestinal worms – can be used externally when blended with sesame oil, however the smell can discourage regular applications
Can be helpful against bacteria that are resistant to standard antibiotic drugs
Contraindications: can cause digestive upset in people with weak livers
Causes hyperadrenalism; not recommended in conditions of heat and nervous irritation
Raw garlic eaten in excess can cause anemia, aggravating and even inflaming the digestive tract
Pregnant woman should use in small amounts as it is a mild emmenagogue
History or Folklore: use to be eaten by the workers building Egyptian pyramids who were given it as a form of payment
Unpleasant odor can be reduced by consuming it with parsley
Yogis used it as a medicine, but did not consume it as a food because of its irritating properties
Dosha: VK- P+ ;a rejuvenative for both kapha and vata
Latin Name: Cochlearia Armoracia (Armoracia Rusticana) (1), (4)
Common Name: Horseradish
Family: Cruciferae (cabbage)
Parts Used: root
Collecting: roots picked in the fall are hotter (they can be saved in sand in a cool environment during winter)
Can be preserved in vinegar, wine, or brandy
Preparation made by macerating grated horseradish with equal parts vinegar and honey for a couple weeks -- can then be used internally as tincture or externally as liniment for rheumatism
Horseradish syrup: grated root s boiled for at least two hours, strained and then honey is added -- it should be a thick syrup consistency
Constituents: contain a volatile oil similar to mustard, glycosides, B vitamins, asparagine, sulfur
Taste: heating, pungent, works on the kidneys and the skin (raising capillary and arterial circulation), stomach, and gall ducts (generally gets things flowing) lungs, colon, kidneys
Effects: stimulant, antispasmodic, aperient, antiseptic, powerful diuretic, carminative, digestive and blood sugar balancing, rubefacient, expectorant, laxative
Medical Use:
A poultice applied to the chest to stimulate expectoration and thin stuck phlegm, with lemon and apple cider vinegar immediate and powerful mucus expectorant – to decongest the sinuses chew on one teaspoon of grated root that has been mixed with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar until all the flavor is gone
Used for treating gout as well as to raise a blister on an arthritic joint and neuralgic pains (blister then being lanced to remove the ‘toxins’) -- effects may result from increasing cortisol in the area
Helping the stomach in atonic, vacid, and semi-paralyzed conditions (or lost voice)
Good for cold, sluggish, and depressed conditions, in the lungs and bladder
Grated root applied topically acts as a counterirritant for bruises and injuries
Contraindications: not given in cases of local or arterial excitement, or sensitive patients
Burns skin and eyes on contact (do not place fresh root on skin, use a cloth between)
Dosha: KV- P+
Gives greater fullness and firmness to pulse
Latin Name: Lomatium
Common Name: Lomatium Dissectum (desert parsley, fern-leaved lomatium, Indian desert) parsnip, wild carrot)
Family: Umbelliferae (Parsley)
Part Used: root
Collecting: it is easier to dig up roots earlier in the year
Habitat: Generally found in dry rocky soils; look for creek and river valleys through a mesa, with steep slopes some trees, boulders, and usually stands of Balsam Root. If none is found try looking further down creek in the canyon, on the slope overlooking the water.
Botany: has fernlike bright green leaves in spring, with the whole basal leaf sometimes a foot long, divided into three or four sections, which then multiply into threadlike leaflets. Larger plants may have a dozen leaves. Flower stalks grow 2-5 feet tall, extending well above foliage, with yellow or purple flowers at the end of the stem. Root is fleshy and think, like a lumpy carrot, with odd parts left over. The skin is gray with many oil glands all over. In the spring the root oozes milky aromatic sap (excellent skin moisturizing agent), by fall the sap is more resinous and balsamic. (This sap is what differentiates it for others of the same genus.)
If drying the roots let them wilt for a few days or in the open or a paper bag, then slice 1/2” crosswise and finish drying on screens ( cut right away the milky sap becomes an issue (dry root is strong for 18 months)
Fresh root tincture: (1:2 70%) start with low dosage of a few drops
Dry root tincture (1:5, 70%) start with a low dosage of a few drops
Cold infusion: use 1-2 TSP for each cup of water; take 2 to 3 fluid ounces, up to 5 times a day
Roots may be consumed either raw or cooked
Effects: antibacterial, antiviral (particularly in lung infections), expectorant, immunostimulant, antimicrobial
Medical Use:
Helpful with lung problems
Works well with bad fevers, and head colds
Stimulate liver function and bile secretion
Tincture is an excellent first aid for skin infections, throat and gum infections
Contraindications: can cause rashes, important to be mindful of pairing it with other herbs
Many species share similar appearance, some of which are highly poisonous parsley family relatives. Positive identification must be absolute before ingesting this plant in any form.
Latin Name: Echinacea Angustifolia, E. Pallida, E. Purpurea (2), (3), (4)
Common Name: Echinacea (Purple Coneflower [western varieties are the most powerful])
Family: Asteraceae (Aster)
Habitat: grows in open areas and prairies
Parts Used: roots
Collecting: typically from roots four years or older
Best not taken as a daily immune support, but for treating active infections or when signs of an infection are first noticed. Should only be taken on a limited basis, but when conditions call for its use, it can be taken every hour or two.
Dried and made into a decoction -- consumed in great dosages – 1-2 teaspoons in 1C of water and brought slowly to a boil and simmered for 10-15 minutes; consumed 3x per day
Tincture: (1:5 in 45%), 1-4 ml 3x per day
Constituents: sugars, polysaccharides, betaine, echinacin, echinacoside, caffeic acid derivatives, resins, essential oils, fatty acids, xanthoxylin (substance that causes tingling in the mouth, alkylamides, tannins
Taste: cooling, sweet, bitter, pungent
Effects: immunostimulant (polysaccharides), digestive stimulant, antiseptic, diffusive, antimicrobial, immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory, anticatarrhal, vulnerary, alterative, antibiotic , antiviral, antitumor, carminative
Medical Use:
Used to treat snake and insect bites, various poisonings, and septicemia; where white blood production is required in high amounts to combat putrefactive conditions – stimulates the body’s macrophage-mediated defense system
Helpful with conditions of exhaustion, being over-worked or overstressed, and where the immune system may be compromised and the mind is dull – can help in stimulating the body’s immune system
Good for helping the body rid itself of microbial infections (and supports the regeneration of connective tissue destroyed during the infection), both bacterial and viral
Useful for infections of the respiratory tract, including laryngitis, tonsillitis, the common cold or conditions of the nose and sinus – can be used as a mouthwash in tincture or decoction
Tincture was shown to reduce the rates of Candida infection
Useful in helping the body overcome inflammatory conditions
Contraindications: Overuse can lead to an exaggerated white blood count
E. Angustifolia is over harvested and threatened by prairies being sprayed
People with allergic reaction to other members of the Aster (Asteraceae) should be cautiously mindful
Could interfere with immune-suppressing therapy
History or Folklore: Not really used by the Eastern Indians. Might have different properties in the east then in the west
Useful when the tongue is coated dirty brown or black
Latin Name: Astragalus Americanus, A. Canadian (Canadian variety), A. Membranaceus (Chinese variety) (3), (4)
Common Name: milk vetch, yellow vetch, astragalus
Family: Fabaceae
Habitat: old growth spruce forests; grows in heavy moist soils, in prairies, ditches , and vernal pools at mid-elevation
Botany: upright perennial spreading by rhizome, to 3 feet. Rough haired, with hairs forked at base, tips spreading along surface. Leaves alternate, pinnately divided into many oblong leaflets with tips rough and slightly notched with papery stipules fused into sheath around stem. Flowers cream colored, nodding in dense, spike like raceme.
Parts Used: roots
Cold infusion: 1-2 TSP to each cup of water
Decoction2-4 TSP in 1C water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes-- 2-3 ounces 2-3x per day
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 30-60 drops up to 3 times per day
Constituents: Triterpenoid saponin glycosides, flavonoids (glycosides and aglycones), high molecular weight polysaccharides
Taste: slightly warm, sweet
Effects: immune tonic, antimicrobial, tonic for hyperglycemia and hypertension, immuno-stimulant, chi tonic, diuretic, anhydrotic, immunomodulator
Medical Use:
Tea used for fever in children, and for coughs
Used as a spleen and blood tonic, and to suppress urination
Strengthens the immune system, and promotes healing of wounds and injuries
Treats chronic weakness of the lungs with shortness of breath (great for someone who is immunocompromised)
It supports pituitary-adrenal cortical activity and restores depleted red blood cell formation in bone marrow (which has proven helpful in working with leucopenia) – stimulates the body’s natural production of interferon
Has been used in combination with drug therapies to reduce their toxicity and mitigate side effects – has been a helpful aid when taken with anticancer drugs to reduce the side effects as well as prevent liver damage
It is helpful in strengthening the digestion and raising metabolism
Can be used in treating spontaneous sweating
Contraindications: some may contain toxic alkaloids and concentrate high levels of toxic metals (be mindful of where it is growing - the health of the area and neighboring plants)
History or Folklore: In TCM pieces of root are boiled in soups and removed prior to serving
Latin Name: Commiphora (Molmol) Myrrha (1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Myrrh
Family: Burseraceae
Habitat: from Arabia and N. Africa
Parts Used: tree gum resin
Look at constituents to see what can be extracted through different preparation media; but because resin is more easily dissolved in alcohol, tinctures are usually administered
Tincture: (1:1 in 90%) 1-4 ml 3x per day
-5-10 drops of tincture in a glass of water used as a gargle or mouth rinse
-undiluted tincture is used externally by being dabbed on the skin 2-3x per day
Infusion: Resin powdered to about 1-2 TSP and infused in 1C boiling water for 10-15 minutes and drank 3x per day
Constituents: oil soluble essential oils (5%), water soluble gum (60%) -- containing some carbohydrates and sugars, alcohol soluble resin (35%)
Taste: warming, spicy, bitter
Effects: stimulant, astringent, antimicrobial, carminative, anticatarrhal, expectorant, vulnerary, emmenagogue, antispasmodic, disinfectant
Medical Use:
Stimulates the production of white blood corpuscles
Increases circulation, heart rate and power
Externally applied to green and putrefactive wounds, as well as abrasions – alcohol extracts (in combination with other herbs) combines well in making medicated oil and liniments
Helps treat and cleans rotten gums, mouth sores, ulcers and bad breath; as well as catarrhal problems such as pharyngitis and sinusitis, and can also be helpful with laryngitis and respiratory complaints – through external applications and gargles
Used when the muscles or gastrointestinal tract is flaccid or overly relaxed, also helping circulation
Reduces salivation and urination (making it helpful for type II diabetes)
Commonly used in Chinese medicine for rheumatic, arthritic and circulatory problems
Useful for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menopause and uterine tumors, as it purges stagnant blood out of the uterus
Reduces mucus in stool and urine
Contraindications: any resins tend to be difficult to eliminate and can cause minor damage to the kidneys if taken internally over an extended period
Latin Name: Sambucus Canadensis (N.A.), Sambucus Nigra (Europe) (1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Elder
Family: Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle family ((which include many cooling agents))
Habitat: Prefers moister areas
Botany: A multi-truck low growing tree with hollow stems.
Parts Used: all parts can be used for something
Flower tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 2-4ml 3x per day
Infusion: 1C boiling water poured over 2 TSP of fresh or dried blossoms and infused for 10 minutes – drink hot, 3x per day
Juice: boil fresh berries in water for 2-3 minutes, then express the juice; to preserve add 1 part honey to 10 parts juice. Take 1 glass diluted with hot water 2x per day
Ointment: heat 3 parts fresh leaves with 6 parts melted oil until leaves are crisp; strain and store
Berries: flavonoids, cyanogens, volatile oils, high levels of vitamin C
Flowers: volatile oils (of a buttery nature due to the presence of fatty acids (linolenic, linoleic, and palmitic)), coumarins, bitters, flavonoids, sterols, mucilage, tannins, triterpenes (ursolic acid, oleanolic acid), essential oil, terpenes, glycosides, rutin, quercetin
Leaf: triterpenes, cyanogenic glycosides, flavonoids, fatty acids, alkanes, tannins
Root: bitter principles, saponins
Taste: cooling, moist, sweet, sour, slightly acrid
Flowers: astringent,
Effects: diaphoretic, emetic, purgative, diuretic, expectorant, causes menstruation, builds and detoxifies the blood (having both stimulating and sedative effects generates a normalizing condition), relaxant, antispasmodic
Berries: tonic, blood building, juice in large doses is purgative, antiviral
Flowers: cooling , immune building, slightly blood-thinning, soothing, mildly stimulating, (but not very warming), slightly tonic, alterative, stimulant, diaphoretic, brings blood to the surface, diuretic, laxative, antirheumatic
Dried flowers: sedative diaphoretic, reducing heat, opening pores, dispersing blood in cases of irritable skin or red ‘cheeky’ appearing ski
Leaves: externally on boils, disperses heat, helps regulate blood flow, young leaves externally are antifungal, purgative, expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, emollient, vulnerary
Bark: emetic when drank quickly in quantity, causes movement of fluids through lymph, kidneys, stool, and urine
Medical Use:
Diseases of the skin, and used externally for bruises, sprains, and wounds (including poison oak) – and possibly tumors and skin cancer
Helpful in conditions of colds, flus, and fevers; attributing to the antiviral effects – well used in any catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract such as fever or sinusitis
Improves cell membrane vitality (which protects it from negative influences like from viruses) and increases cytokine production
Contraindications: bark is semi-toxic – but may be used to treat acute constipation and fluid retention *** only bark that has been aged for at least a year or more should be used or cyanide poisoning may result, with western species being more toxic
History or Folklore: Charlemagne advised an elder be planted in every yard so as be be a ‘medicine chest’ in times of need
Historically know as the ‘tree of music’ (branches make natural flutes) and the ‘tree of medicine’
Latin Name: Phytolacca Americana, P. Decandra (2), (3), (4)
Common Name: Pokeweed, pokeroot, American nightshade, inkberry
Family: Phytolaccaceae
Habitat: Eastern US
Botany: Plant can grow to 10 feet tall with white flowers and purple almost black berries on a spire-like raceme. Large smooth alternating leaves characterized with an unpleasant odor. Usually with a hollow stem and a thick taproot which grows deep and spreads horizontally.
Parts Used: berries and leaves, root
Collecting: roots are gathered in the fall
Cooking the berries into a jelly allows for the toxins to be inactivated and the seeds to be strained out.
Leaves of young plants can be eaten after repeated blanching
Root made into an infusion: 1 tbsp of herb in 1 pint of water; take one mouthful several times a day
Fresh roots chopped into pieces steeped in alcohol
Tincture: (1:10 in 40%), 5 drops 3x per day
Decoction: ¼ TSP root in 1C water, bring to a boil and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes and this should be drank 3x per day
Constituents: Triterpenoid saponins, tannins, resin, alkaloids, lectins, formic acid, fatty oil, sugars, phytolacca
Taste: pungent, bitter, irritating, burning, drying, cold
Effects: purgative, acts on the glandular system, acts on the throat and mucous tissues, endocrine regulator - enhancing the environment through which the hormones have to travel by thinning fluids which are stagnant, antirheumatic, stimulant, anticatarrhal, purgative, emetic, anodyne, cathartic
Medical Use:
Helps with skin conditions with effects resembling those of mercury or scabies, sores or boils – its antirheumatic functions work well when applied as a lotion or ointment
Treating headaches particularly in the forehead
Is useful in cleansing the lymph glands (for which it can be taken internally or used as a poultice, and upper respiratory tract, treat catarrh, laryngitis, swollen glands and mumps – promotes the removal of catabolic waste as well as works in treating constipation
One of the best blood and lymph purifying herbs, and can be helpful in the treatment of cancer, tumors, arthritis and degenerative diseases – but recommended to be taken with respect, and in combination with other herbs to lessen its toxic effects
Contraindications: berries and seed can be toxic, but cooking is believed to inactivate toxins
Taken in large doses it is a powerful emetic and purgative
Be careful in the use of the powerful plant medicine
History of poisoning livestock which browse on the plant when bordering fields
Latin Name: Ligusticum Porteri, L Canbyi (2), (4)
Common Name: Ohas, lovage
Family: Parsley
Habitat: damp woods, high mountain meadows, with some species occurring along the coastal ranges of California. Found on the eastern slopes of the Sierras and Cascades at 7000-10000
Botany: perennial with tap root, leaves up to 8 inches alternating, pinnately dividing into numerous deeply lobed leaflets, with leaf stems bases clasping. Small white flowers, atop 1-3 foot hollow stem, arranged in larger umbels. Fruits narrowly winged and spicy smelling when crushed, and overall spicy celery-like odor. Root crown is surrounded with hairlike, dead leaf material (unique and valuable for accurate identification). Blooms may to August, depending on climate and elevation
Parts Used: root (dried)
Tincture (1:5, 70%), 20 to 60 drops up to 5 time per day
Cold infusion of grated root, 1-2 TSP for each cup of water, 2-6 ounces at similar intervals
Constituents: Bitters, lactone glycoside, volatile oils, resins, silicon, fixed oils, contains several substances which are only partially water soluble, saponins, phytosterols, ferulic acid
Taste: spicy, bitter, warm
Effects: antiviral, diaphoretic, carminative, stimulant, expectorant, emmenagogue
Medical Use:
For dry irritating cough, acute chest colds, flu, and dry membranes and fever; obstinate respiratory virus that doesn’t peak properly
Helps with indigestion and gas
May be useful when there is delayed menses
Can be used when there are rheumatic complaints
Contraindications: can look very similar to poisonous varieties, so careful and exact identification is very important (look at suggestion in botany)
History or Folklore: ‘osha’ is a Native American word meaning bear
Bear medicine, it is considered sacred to many Natives who esteemed it for its warm healing power. Many tribes burned it as an incense for purification, to ward off gross pathogenic factors and subtle negative influences.
Latin Name: Ceanothus Americanus (2), (4
Common Name: Red root, New Jersey Tea
Habitat: dry unshaded soils
Parts Used: root
Cold infusion of the root -- 1 once steeped overnight in a quart of water
Tincture of the fresh or dried root
Constituents: Tannins, coumarin like substances, oxalic acid, malonic acid, malic acid, orthophosphoric and pyrophosphoric acid succinic, ceanothic acid
Taste: sweet, astringent, bitter, cool
Effects: tissue relaxant, tonic, astringent, expectorant, sedative, antispasmodic, anti-syphilitic
Medical Use:
Helps the intestine when there are issues due to lack of absorption – and aiding in cases where there is a lack of thriving, possibly due to lack of nutrient uptake or diarrhea
Helps with swollen spleen (as when having mono or glandular fever); nitrogen fixing glands around the root when fresh, aid glands and water filled cysts
Good for treating despondency and melancholia (or artists funk) – which anciently was associated with the spleen
Useful where there is watery sinuses and a sluggish liver
Thickens blood that is too thin to coagulate
Helps improve the electrical charge on cell walls; the dynamic positive outer and negative inner cell walls repel each other keeping nutrients flowing and helping prevent stagnation – particularly in the lymphatic
Contraindications: can cause swollen tongue and aggravation – this seems to come on somewhat quick so a next day check in would be advised
History or Folklore: its s-shape root indicates it is good for the intestine
The more swollen the spleen the more it is beneficial
Latin Name: Baptisia Tinctoria (3)
Common Name: wild indigo
Family: Fabaceae
Habitat: woodland and grassland in the eastern and Southern North America
Botany: flowering herbaceous perennial
Parts Used: Root
Tincture: (1:5 in 60%), 20 drops 3x per day
Decoction: ½-1 TSP of dried root in 1C water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes, and drank 3x per day
Constituents: Isoflavones (genistein, biochanin A), flavonoids, alkaloids (cytosine), coumarins, polysaccharides
Effects: Antimicrobial, anticatarrhal
Medical Use:
Is very useful for infections of catarrh of the ear, nose and throat; and working in cases of laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis
Taken internally or used as a mouth it can be helpful for mouth and gum sores and other problems – a douche is effective for leukorrhea
Can be used in helping swollen glands and in reducing fevers (particularly sluggish fevers) – good for all diseases of the glandular system and in hepatic derangements
Latin Name: Hydrastis Canadensis
(2), (3), (4)
Common Name: Goldenseal
Family: Ranunculaceae (Buttercup)
Habitat: rich forest floors
Parts Used: Root, rhizome
Tincture: (1:5 in 60%), 20 drops taken 3x per day
Infusion: 1C boiling water over ½-1 TSP of powdered root and infused for 10-15 minutes, and drank 3x per day
Decoction: using unpowdered root, 1 TSP in 1C water simmering for 10-15 minutes
Constituents: Isoquinoline alkaloids: hydrastine and berberine (kills bacteria, immunostimulant, carminative, antispasmodic), fatty acids, resins, phenylpropanoids (meconin, chlorogenic acid) phytosterins, volatile oil, traces of essential oil, albumin, sugars
Taste: bitter, sweet aftertaste, cold
Effects: bitter tonic, digestive, antibacterial, heart and muscle stimulant, mucus membrane tonic (in small doses), hepatic, alterative, anticatarrhal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, laxative, emmenagogue, oxytocic, immunostimulant (berberine), astringent, diuretic, antiperiodic
Medical Use:
Makes a nice wash for sore or inflamed eyes
Good for weak, flabby, debilitated, boggy, swollen, or inactive tissue, muscles, or nerves
Reduces unhealthy secretion while normalizing and promoting positive digestive enzymes – working as a very good tonic in aiding mucous membranes, also with the alkaloids stimulating bile production and secretion
It dries up and cleanses the mucous membranes, inhibiting excess flow
Can be used to seal up a clean wound; seals up internal tears very effectively (like a torn disc in the spine) -- weakness of this kind could suggest a constitutional need to goldenseal
Effective for catarrhal conditions, especially sinus disorders – as well as being useful against flu, fevers and all kinds of infections including amoebic dysentery (giardia – when used over a 10 day period)
Applied externally it helps with eczema, ringworm, itching, earache, and conjunctivitis
Can be helpful regulating menses
Works to cleanse the blood and to treat liver diseases – contracts the blood vessels and inhibits excessive bleeding
Contraindications: large dosages have a exhaustive effect on the nervous system
Works so effectively in sealing up wounds that it can trap anything in place -- make sure area is very clean prior to use
Works well on all internal mucous linings, but the body may develop a dependency on it -- so go with very small doses
Can upset the intestine and gallbladder and make people irritable
Not advised for people with high blood pressure
Should be avoided during pregnancy and while lactating
Long term or excessive use can weaken the flora of the colon
History or Folklore: a ‘natural antibiotic’
Was given during labor to induce contractions
Latin Name: Prunus Serotina
(2), (3), (4)
Common Name: Wild Cherry, Black Cherry – note that this is different from choke cherry which is a strong astringent
Family: Rosaceae (Rose)
Habitat: Native to eastern North America
Parts Used: Bark
Collecting: The bark of the branches is collected, but the bark of the roots is best. It is not collected in the winter, but like all barks, should be collected in the spring or fall when the sugar content is higher in the bark. Several trees are best to be checked to find the one with the most distinctive bitter almond smell and taste
Hydrolyze: take the fresh bark and soak it in lukewarm water in a covered vessel for about 12-24 hours, until the bitter almond smell comes off, then add alcohol to preserve at 30%+ – the longer the herb is left the more astringent it becomes
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 20-60 drops up to 4x per day ***do not exceed this amount; 1-3 drops 1-3x per day can be used effectively for many people
Wood has some good pulmonary recipes
Decoction: pour 1C of boiling water over 1 TSP of dried bark and simmer for 10-15 minutes, drink 3x per day
Constituents: Flavonoids, bitter cyanogenic glycosides (prunasin), tannins, bit of mucilage, resins, volatile oils, benzaldehyde, eudismic acid, p-coumaric acid, scopoletin, sugars
Taste: Bitter, sweet, sour, hot and cold, damp and dry, astringent, acrid, warm
Effects: Powerful sedative, histamine normalizer, antitussive, expectorant, astringent, nervine, antispasmodic
Medical Use:
Can produce a slight increase in the action of the heart followed by drowsiness – as if it was giving the individual enough energy to fall asleep
Tones the stomach due to its bitter nature, and improves the condition of the mucosa
Very useful with an irritable or exhausted coughs in the throat; is both soothing (calms the respiratory nerves) and increases expectorant – helpful for whooping cough and bronchitis, and used in combination with other herbs for asthma --*-- releasing a cough is not curing the underlying disease so that will still need to be addressed
Helps the heart when there are palpitation and arrhythmias – also helping with fever
Can be cooling where systems are red, hot, and full of pulse (due to flavonoids) which repair irritation in the capillaries – it works to reduce the amount of histamine, the substance the body uses to irritate the capillaries, increase local blood congestion, and cause an inflammatory process
Helpful with conditions of poor circulation where the extremities are cold, and tissues are mottled red and blue with a yellow tinge – wild cherry can help warm them up
Used externally, a cold infusion applied to the eyes can help eye inflammation; and as a decoction applied to unhealthy ulcers
Is a useful remedy for weakness of the stomach with irritation such as with ulcers, gastritis, colitis, diarrhea, and dysentery—works well when combined in digestive tonics with herbs such as licorice, ginseng, anise, cyperus, and tangerine peel (herbs macerated for one to six months in rice wine, strained, and a teaspoon is taken prior to meals)
Contraindications: Taken in large doses or regularly it can depress the heart, circulation, digestion, and exhaust the system
Contain cyanogens which convert to hydrocyanic acid – this can stop the Krebs cycle -- -- which is why too much cyanide can kill a person
History or Folklore: Indispensable Indian remedy as a coolant for fevers and irritative coughs
Also used by Native Americans as a sedative to assist in relieving the pains of labor
Latin Name: Verbascum Thapsus, V. Densiflorum
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Mullein
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Parts Used: basal leaves, root, flowers (for treating warts)
Collecting: collect at the end of the first year, the flowers in the middle of the second
Infusion: 1C boiling water poured over 2TSP dried leaves or flowers and infused for 10-15 minutes, drank 3x per day
Oil Infusion: the flowers can be extracted in olive oil in sunshine – if applied into the ear first warm to body temperature
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 2.5 - 5 ml 3x per day
Constituents: Flavonoids (verbascoside and hesperidin), mucilage, gum, resin, bitter glycosides, iridoid monoterpenes, triterpene saponins, volatile oils, tannins, aucubin, trace essential oils
Taste: bitter, salty, mucilaginous, astringent, cool
Effects: Cough and respiratory remedy, expectorant, mucilaginous, demulcent, emollient, movement is upward (from the lungs to the head -- similar to the upright growth habits of the plant), muscular and skeletal remedy, improves the lubrication of the connective tissues of the joints and tissues, improves health of cartilage, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, vulnerary, antitussive, astringent, anodyne, vulnerary
Medical Use:
Helps to open things and can be effectively used to bring water and moisture into hardened and closed places; such as bronchitis or dry, irritable, old and tickly coughs (the tickle sensation is usually evidence of inflammation (which mullein is an anti-inflammatory) conjoined with water stuck (helps increase fluid movement) in the mucosal or skin) – it works to condition and tone the mucous membranes
Helpful for treating cough, hoarseness, bronchitis, phlegm, and whooping cough
Used for spinal dryness, pain, inflexibility, and pinched or irritated nerves
Can be helpful for intellectual or ‘hot air people’ who think too much and congest the mind or suffer mental tightness or congestion following difficult problems
Used externally an oil infusion made from the flowers works well for soothing and healing inflamed surfaces and for easing ear problems – also working as a sedative and as anti-inflammatory
The root can be used to treat eye infections
History or Folklore: leaf dipped in wax acts like a wick
Has been smoked alone or with coltsfoot and yerba santa to sooth the throat and as a substitute for tobacco
Latin Name: Thymus Vulgaris, T. Serpyllum
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Thyme
Habitat: native to the Mediterranean
Parts Used: leaves, flowering tops
Tincture of fresh leaves captures the volatile oils best: dose, (1:5 in 45%) 15-20 drops 2-3 times per day
Warm Infusion: pour 1C boiling water over 2TSP of dried herb and infuse in a covered container for 10 minutes, drink 3x per day
Constituents: volatile oils (including thymol, carvacrol, borneol), flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, thymonin, naringenin), labiatic acid, caffeic acid, tannins, bitter principles, triterpenic acids
Taste: hot, dry, pungent, stimulating
Effects: powerful detoxifier, volatile oils open pores, thins mucus, and moves fluid through tissue, relaxing to the nerves, parasympathetic relaxant, stimulates the thymus which improves the immunity and the adrenal cortex, relaxant for the gi tract, enhances digestion, anti-depressant, carminative, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, expectorant, astringent, anthelmintic, antitussive,emmenagogue, diuretic, antiseptic
Medical Use:
Well suited for cold, inactive conditions where there are tendencies to chills, shivering, purification, sepsis, and stagnant stuck mucus,
Helps to opens up closed pathways deep inside the body, and the mind – also working to stimulate sluggish digestion
Applied externally its antiseptic properties work well to heal wounds – these same properties help heal internal infection when consumed; or somewhere in between by using it as a mouth rinse or gargle for sore throats
Can help childhood diarrhea due to its mild astringency
A cold infusion works well as a stimulating tonic for convalescence with exhaustion diseases
A warm infusion can relieve a headache, calm hysteria, flatulence, and promote perspiration
The oil is applied externally to local areas to relieve rheumatic pains
Works well when used for acute and chronic respiratory affections, cough, asthma, colds, flu, spasmodic coughs, and whooping cough
When taken prior to sleeping is a remedy against nightmares
History or Folklore: the name thymos comes from the Greek word for strength; it is said to be deeply dredging within the system, opening it up so that heat and toxins can be removed
Considered hot in the third degree
Latin Name: Inula Helenium
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Elecampane
Family: Asteraceae (composite)
Habitat: low moist fertile ground in the shade or open
Parts Used: Rhizome, root and flowers
Collecting: best to use freshly picked roots
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%) 1-2ml 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1C cold water over 1 TSP shredded root and let stand for 8-10 hours; heat and take hot 3x per day
Constituents: Starch inulin (up to 44%), mucilage, resin, sterols, bitter terpenes and sesquiterpenes, volatile oils (up to 4%), polysaccharides (mainly inulin)
Taste: warming, pungent, aromatic bitter, acrid, sweet (root)
Effects: antiseptic, antibacterial, sanative (so much so it has been used as surgical dressing), mucilaginous, resinous, contains volatile oils, stimulant, vermifuge, acts on the lymphoid tissue, agglutinates (helping the lips of a wound come together -- helping to form scabs), stimulates the libido, expectorant, antitussive, diaphoretic, hepatic, antimicrobial , carminative, diuretic, astringent, stomachic, antiemetic
Medical Use:
Resolves bacterial infections, reducing heavy thick or green mucus down to yellow, white and eventually clear mucus as it sanitizes the lungs -- the removal of old adhesive mucus (removed in part because the mucilage enables there to be a relaxing effect) allows for the secretion of new thin clear mucus (essential oils bring about a stimulating effect) impregnated with immune factors; while the bitters protect the stomach from indigestion caused from swallowed mucus
Used for damp accumulation (damp spleen), bloating in the abdomen, and gas
Strengthens digestion and inhibits the formation of mucus from weak digestion
Allows the cough to go deeper to bring up the trapped mucus
Nutritious and rebuilding in old, worn-out, exhausted and broken down states with poor nutrition and assimilation
Great for coughs, colds, shortness of breath (asthma), and difficulty of breathing; especially in children and whenever copious catarrh is present – helps bronchitis, tuberculosis and chronic pectoral states with excess catarrhal due to warming, strengthening, and cleansing the pulmonary mucous membrane
Contraindications: Should be cautioned for people with allergic reactions to plants in the asteraceae family
History or Folklore: classified as hot and dry to the third degree -- meaning it opens the pores to release sweat, thins fluids to drive them out through the pores and channels of elimination, and rekindles internal fires
It is so sanative that it has been used as a surgical dressing – being that it is one of the most antiseptic and antibacterial herbs
Latin Name: Grindelia Squarrosa
(2), (3), (4)
Common Name: Gumweed
Family: Asteraceae (Aster)
Habitat: prefer heavily alkaline soils.
Botany: sticky resin coats the green parts of the plant to protect against water loss and insects
Parts Used: Dried aerial parts, leaves and flowers
Infusion: 1 TSP of dried flower top in 1C boiling water, cover and let steep until cool; drank 3x per day
Tincture: (1:5 in 60%), 5 drops every 15-30 minutes during coughing until the spasm is relieved
Constituents: Diterpenes (grindelic acid) flavonoids (acacetin, kumatakenin, quercetin), up to 21% amorphous resins, volatile oils, laevoglucose
Taste: warm, stimulating, resinous, bitter, pungent
Effects: Expectorant, in large doses depresses nerves in the respiratory, in moderate doses stimulates nerves in the respiratory, antispasmodic, hypotensive, demulcent
Medical Use:
Helps to relax smooth muscles and the heart muscle – asthma conditions where there is a rapid heart beat
Applied externally it is locally effective for skin diseases, particularly poison ivy, or other rashes, blisters, burns, skin diseases or ‘itis’ conditions
Helpful for conditions of respiratory arrest – bronchitis, asthma, and sleep apnea; as well as colds, nasal congestion, spasmodic coughs and whooping coughs
Contraindications: Heavy doses can stop respiration and possibly lead to death ***
Can uptake selenium compounds from the soil and concentrate them – which can make large doses mildly toxic
Due to high resin content it is considered hard on the kidneys
Latin Name: Asclepias Tuberosa
(2), (3), (4)
Common Name: Pleurisy Root, Butterfly Weed
Family: Asclepiadaceae (cousin of milkweed)
Parts Used: Rhizome, root
Decoction: made from simmering a handful of roots for 20+ minutes and drank while hot
Tincture: for acute pleurisy (1:5 in 45%), 10-20 drops every 15-20 minutes until pain stops; for chronic pleurisy 3-10 drops, 1-3x per day
Infusion: pour 1C boiling water over ½-1 TSP of herb and infuse for 10-15 minutes, drank 3x per day
Constituents: flavonoids (rutin, kaempferol, quercetin, isorhamnetin), choline sugars, steroids, cardiac glycosides, cardenolides (asclepiadin), bitter principles
Taste: slightly bitter, slightly sweet, slightly salty, earthen, acrid, cool
Effects: Moistening diaphoretic, sedative, opens the pores of the pleura and the skin to decongest water and heat, shifts balance of fluids away from the kidneys to the lungs, moistens internal membranes, brings moisture to the surface, decongests internal fluids, expectorant, antispasmodic, carminative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative, cardiac
Medical Use:
Stimulates skin and mucosal circulation, and sebaceous secretions; used in tonics for dry skin and hair, and poor adaptability to change in heat and humidity
Great remedy for chest and respiratory infections in children – such as bronchitis, pneumoniaand influenza – particularly when the catarrhal condition is cold and damp with a hard dry cough; making the expectoration more easy – one of the best remedies for all catarrhal conditions and ordinary colds
Can be effective in treating rheumatism, particularly around the coastal regions
Effective for digestive disturbances, particularly for treating distressing flatulent in babies
Has been shown to stimulate uterine contractions and promote estrogenic effects
May be used to promote diaphoresis no matter the degree of fever
Contraindications: Increases the risk of cardiac glycoside toxicity if taken with drugs or herbs that contain such constituents
Latin Name: Eriodictyon Californicum
(2), (4)
Common Name: Yerba Santa ‘sacred herb’
Part Used: leaves
Botany: Resinous
Collecting: the gummy resinous leaves are picked at the end of the first year before they have collected dust
Constituents: formic acid, glycerides, fatty acids, resin, glucose,eriodictyol, homoeriodictyol, chrysocriol, zanthoeridol, eridonel
Taste: warm, moist, sweet, pungent, resinous
Effects: Respiratory stimulant, expectorant, carminative, alterative
Medical Use:
It is particularly good for slightly moist coughs(pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis) where the cough reflexes are exhausted and too weak to bring up the phlegm, and a general lack of strength sufficient to bring up phlegm -- is helpful with both hot and cold phlegm
Can be helpful when there is uncertainty due to the symptoms being obscure, this can help provide a better understanding
Used externally to treat rashes, especially poison oak or ivy rashes
Promotes salivation and aids digestion
Latin Name: Solidago Canadensis, S. Virga-Aurea (European)
(1), (3)
Common Name: Goldenrod
Family: Asteraceae
Parts Used: Root, leaf, flowers, dried aerial parts
Collecting: leaves are harvested before flowering, and the flowers are harvested in fall
Fresh flowers are extracted in alcohol for respiratory conditions (1:5 in 40%), 1-3 drops, 1-3x per day -- for allergy, but larger dosage for conjunctivitis
Leaves used in making a stomach tonic
Infusion: pour 1C boiling water over 2-3 TSP dried herb and infuse for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Constituents: essential oils, flavonoids (rutin, quercetin), saponins (based on polygalic acid), clerodane diterpenes, phenolic glycosides, acetylenes, polysaccharides, tannins
Taste: cooling (stimulant), bitter, pungent
Effects: Carminative - stimulates secretions from the stomach, alterative (on skin and scalp), greater association with the legs then the upper body, increases digestion, anticatarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic
Medical Use:
Stimulating to the kidneys following stressful illness; for tired kidneys, and tired feet, and tired back
Good remedy for cat allergy, and conjunctivitis, and acne in sheets of small pimples
Great first choice herb for upper respiratory catarrh, being acute or chronic – pairs well with other herb in treating influenza
Works well to reduce bad flatulence
As a gargle it is useful for laryngitis and pharyngitis
Applied externally it can help in healing wounds
Contraindications: May be cautioned for people with allergies to plants in the asteraceae family
Latin Name: Tussilago Farfara
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Coltsfoot
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: grows in beaten paths (like where a colt would have walked)
Botany: flowers arise in the spring prior to the leaves; the leaf is thick, moist and cool with a downy coating on its underside. The down remains after it has been dried, which this adherence points to a signature for clingy adhesive mucus.
Parts Used: Dried flowers, leaves
Infusion: pour 1C of boil water over 1-2 TSP of dried flower or leaf and infuse for 10 minutes; drink 3x per day while being as hot as possible
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 1-5 drops or 2-4ml 3x per day constitution and case dependent
Sometimes it is smoked for relief
Do not use for more than 4-6 weeks per year
Constituents: flavonoids (rutin, hyperoside, isoquercetin), resins, saponins, inulin, fruit acids, some minerals, mucilage, polysaccharides (based on glucose, galactose, fructose, senkirkine, and tussilagine), tannins, glycosidal bitter principle, phytoserols arnidiol and faradio
Taste: cool, moist, salty, astringent
Effects: mucilaginous, expectorant, antitussive, antispasmodic, demulcent, anti-catarrhal, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent
Medical Use:
Excellent for chronic respiratory conditions (often from exposure to cold, damp and wind) where the mucus has settled deep in the lungs and possibly dried, and as a result is difficult to raise or dispel; additionally for wet and sticky mucus where it is difficult to move it up and out of the body – combining well a soothing expectorant effect with an antispasmodic action (sedates cough reflex helping to resolve wheezing)
Fresh crushed or bruised leaves applied externally treats weeping wounds, boils, abscesses, burns, and insect bites – leaves contain useful level of zinc, a mineral which has anti-inflammatory actions
As a mild diuretic it has been used well for treating cystitis
The tea is helpful for stopping diarrhea
Contraindications: Caution giving large doses at the beginning of the treatment because it is able to bring up large amounts of thick mucus which can become stuck in the throat
There are several alkaloids known to have hepatotoxic, genotoxic, and carcinogenic effects; however, there is no danger of acute poisoning when the herb is used as prescribed, as the concentrations remain low – nevertheless, do not consume it for prolonged periods of time; not to exceed 4-6 weeks per year
History or Folklore: its name indicates lung usage -- long-winded animals like the fox and horse are associated with the lungs
Burnt leaves provide a passable salt substitute
Latin Name: Euphrasia Officinalis
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Eyebright
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Habitat: native to cold boreal regions
Parts Used: Dried aerial parts
Tincture: (1:5 in 45%), 1-4ml, 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C boiling water over 1 TSP of dried herb and infuse for 5-10 minutes; drank 3x per day
Constituents: essential oils, tannins, iridoid glycosides, glucosides, resin, phenolic acid, flavonoids
Taste: cool, bitter, astringent
Effects: anti-catarrhal, astringent, anti-inflammatory
Medical Use:
Astringent remedy for the eyes and allergies (and more cooling than ragweed), or when there is stinging, weeping eyes, conjunctivitis or oversensitivity to light – may be used externally in combination with internal use (helps congestion of the eyes)
Drying of the mucus in the upper respiratory tract, being great for acute catarrhal conditions; and other mucous membrane problems, being aided by the combination of its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties
Astringent properties also helpful with sinus and middle ear problems
Works well for colds of the head, and is particularly good for treating children, and the sniffles in infants
Contraindications: Should be considered endangered
History or Folklore: the more acute the condition the better it acts
Latin Name: Marrubium Vulgare
Common Name: White Horehound
Family: Lamiaceae (mint)
Botany: white horehound has a light green leaf where black horehound has a darker green leaf
Parts Used: Dried fruit, flowering tops
Infusion of Dry herb: ½-1 TBSP herb to four ounces of boiling water covered and steeped for 10-20 minutes and sweetened with honey or molasses to increase its soothing property, drank 3x per day
--warm infusion will produce diaphoresis
--cold infusion is an excellent tonic in some form of dyspepsia, acts as a vermifuge
Tincture: 1-2ml 3x per day
Made into a syrup can be very helpful
Constituents: tannins, flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, quercetin and their glycosides), vitamin C, quercetin, alkaloids, volatile oils, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, diterpene lactones, diterpene alcohols, choline, phytosterols
Taste: cooling, (warming through stimulating, can be observed by putting in mouth) bitter, astringent, pungent
Effects: laxative, expectorant, antispasmodic, bitter, vulnerary, emmenagogue
Medical Use:
Promotes secretions that expel abundant thick expectoration -- allowing for the production of healthy new mucus and secretions; working not by killing the germs but through improving the environment within the system – in this way it is helpful for conditions of bronchitis where there is a nonproductive cough, and with whooping cough
Its bitter actions helps stimulate the flow and secretion of bile aiding digestion
Restores and tones boggy mucosa - helpful for dry, old, and adhesive coughs
Opens the skin, relieving congestion by bringing fluids out through the periphery
Useful externally for shingles and other wounds
Helpful for woman dealing with problems of excess androgen
Contraindications: Watch to not give to someone with spasmodic asthma
Large quantities are emetic and laxative
Extended usage can cause hypertension - especially in the elderly
Can cause irregular heartbeats in some people
Not appropriate in some pregnant woman
History or Folklore: If the plant is put in new milk and placed in an area perturbed with flies it will speedily kill them all
Latin Name: Ocimum Sanctum, O. Tenuiflorum
Common Name: Tulsi, Holy Basil
Family: lamiaceae
Parts Used: all parts of the herb
Preparations: 1 tsp dry leaves with 8 ounces of boiling water, covered and steeped for 10 minutes; 4 ounces up to 3 times per day
Constituents: essential oils, triterpenes
Taste: warm, pungent, sweet
Effects: adaptogen, antibacterial, antidepressant, antioxidant, antiviral, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, galactagogue (promotes the flow of mother’s milk), immunomodulator, neuroprotective
Medical Use:
Poultice from fresh roots used for treating bites or stings from snakes, scorpion, wasps, mosquito
Tea from the leaves is used for upset stomach
Seeds are mucilaginous and have been used to treat urinary tract difficulties
Decoction from the roots used to lower fever
Helps remove mental fog
History or Folklore: sacred plant used in daily worship
Dosha: rasayana - nourishes; and is considered to maintain balance of the chakras
Latin Name: Ulmus Rubra, U. Fulva
(2), (3), (4)
Common Name: Slippery Elm
Family: Ulmaceae (elm)
Habitat: ravines and valleys where water is abundant in the Eastern woodlands of North America
Botany: touching the bark or a twig, they give slightly indicating the presence of mucilage. Nearly identical properties in the Californian tree Fremontia Californica which is in the Tiliaceae family
Parts Used: Inner bark
The powder should have a slightly grayish color (is often adulterated when found in the market) -- it will not work if dark or reddish -- to avoid this buy whole bark
Bark is powdered coarse for making a poultice, but finely for taking internally; because the powder clumps up when water is mixed, it has to be carefully mixed (stir in a little cold water to make a paste, then add boiling water to it) -- 1 heaping TSP of powder makes a pint
Because it combines well with fats and oils, can be mixed well with milk instead of water
Decoction: 1 part powdered root to 8 parts water; adding the powder a little at a time till all mixed in, then bring the water to a boil and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes; drink 1/2C 3x per day
Poultice: mix coarse powdered root with enough water to make a paste
Gruel may be made by slowly adding cold water into the powdered bark until the consistency becomes like that of a thick porridge (may be flavored with a little honey or cinnamon)
Constituents: sugars, minerals, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, mucilages, tannins
Taste: cooling, moist, sweet, earthen, nerve relaxant (helping with emotional imbalances), muscle relaxer
Effects: mucilaginous, immune system tonic, anti-inflammatory (specifically for the mouth and throat), demulcent, emollient, nutrient, astringent, expectorant, astringent, vulnerary, yin tonic
Medical Use:
Its lubricating nature has been used for the throat, the bowels, and to aid for the passage of the baby during labor (causing a speedy and easy delivery through the passage becoming lubricated and slightly relaxed, when taken from the seventh month to the end of the pregnancy)
Helps when there is dryness or soreness of the throat, coughs, bleeding of the lungs
Works to rebuild mucosa in the respiratory (giving the feeling of expanded capacity of the lungs), digestive (helping with ulcers) and urinary system; promoting lubrication and cleansing through neutralizing excess acidity
Very effective for treating diarrhea (soothing the intestinal lining, while also being astringent) and dysentery
Applied externally as a poultice for burns, poison ivy, scalds, abrasions, rashes, inflamed surfaces and sores -- can be taken internally as a decoctions for treating skin conditions
Makes an excellent food to be eaten during convalescence as it is mild and easily assimilated – it also helps to quiet the nervous system
Contraindications: Excessive dosing can result in a dried out condition
Long term use can be detrimental, recommended to a twenty-one-day course
May slow the absorption of orally administered drugs
History or Folklore: thick mucilaginous bark produces a gruel that Native Americans used for the malnourished, sick, old, and when the strength of the system needed to be rebuilt. It is a good food to also be given to infants when there is difficulty in keeping food down. To promote its tonic properties it may be made with ginseng tea instead of water
Latin Name: Zingiber Officinale
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Ginger
Family: Zingiberaceae
Parts Used: Rhizome
Dried ginger is considered to be more of an internal warming stimulant, while fresh ginger is used more as a warming diaphoretic
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 1.5-5 ml 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1C boiling water over 1 TSP of fresh herb and infuse for 5 minutes; drink whenever needed
Constituents: Volatile oils, oleoresin, lipids, acrid resin
Taste: warm, cooling to the system (through increased circulation) moist, sweet, pungent, diffusive
Effects: Diaphoretic, digestive stimulant, carminative, stimulant and blood thinner, increases circulation, immune tonic, antispasmodic (ginger oil), rubefacient, emmenagogue, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic
Medical Use:
A poultice (also helps relieve muscle sprains) on the chest increases blood circulation, respiration, and helps move mucus out of the lungs – stimulates peripheral circulation, making it helpful for bad circulation and cramps
Used for labor and delivery - said to connect the mother and the child in the womb (the rhizome looks like the expected baby and is said to express the warmth of the mother love); in long delivery it keeps up strength -- helpful in relieving cold spasms and cramps and for promoting menses
Helps with headaches – anti-inflammatory that causes a reduction in platelet aggregation
Great for most issues dealing with digestion, assimilation, aiding with nausea and vomiting and working to warm the center (stomach)
Works well in helping with motion sickness and possibly seasickness
Promotes perspiration in conditions for fever by acting as a diaphoretic
A gargle aids a sore throat
Inhibits the actions of prostaglandins
The tea made from a few slices of fresh root is an excellent remedy to counteract the early stages of a simple cold or flu
Contraindications: Avoid when muscles are inflamed
Dried ginger can be too warming and cause irritations to sensitive areas
Not to be used to alleviate morning sickness during pregnancy – TCM recommends not to use more than 2g dried ginger daily during pregnancy
Dosha: better suited to kapha constitutions, if needed for people who are not cold, use in small amounts
Latin Name: Artemisia Vulgaris
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Mugwort,
Family: Asteraceae
Parts Used: Leaves, root
Collecting: before it has gone to seed -- preferably during a full moon
**Ensure that the volatile oils are not lost in preparation**
Infusion: 1C boiling water and 1-2 teaspoons herbs, infused in a closed vessel for 10-15minutes; drank 3x per day
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), 1-4ml 3x per day
Constituents: flavonoids, sesquiterpene lactones, triterpenes, coumarin derivatives, volatile oils (cineole, thujone) bitter principle
Taste: aromatic bitter, acrid, slightly warm
Effects: digestive stimulant, stimulates bile secretion, mild vermifuge, nervous stimulant, reduces tension, situated for the feminine both in woman as well as men particularly for women who are sensitive, agitated or have experienced abuse or trauma, stimulates pituitary sex hormones, bitter tonic, emmenagogue, carminative, hemostatic, antispasmodic, mild narcotic
Medical Use:
Remedy for excessive androgenism (conditions where the masculine has moved ahead of the feminine -- where there is frustration, anger, depression, lack of affect or excessive affect, chill and fever as if cold were stuck in the system and heat was trying to get it out – relaxes the nerves and the attachment to these undesired feelings (also probably related to the volatile oils)
Leaves rolled and burned as moxa sticks (sticks are cigar like and made from the dried and often powdered leaves being rolled in a tissue or cigarette paper and having one end ignited and blown on to keep smoking) for cold stiff joints or areas experiencing pain such as injuries and bruises to increase circulation and bring toxins to the surfaceand relieve pain-- contraindicated when there are conditions of imbalance
Can be applied topically as a liniment or wash for relieving itching
Stimulates circulation and removes stagnant blood, as well as a curative and preventative for parasites and worms
Suited for highly intelligent people with complex thoughts, getting words out, sensitivity to light, and for getting deep sleep; for intuitive individuals having trouble expressing
Beneficial for connecting the right and left side of the brain, good for psychological problems
Helpful for stimulating digestion, helping with the liver and the stomach; working both as a bitter and also as a carminative due to its volatile oils
Works to stop excessive menstrual bleeding caused by deficiency and coldness; circulates the blood warming the womb, pacifies the fetus, alleviating abdominal pains caused by coldness, and arrests threatened miscarriages
History or Folklore: mugwort shines in the moonlight and effects dreaming; similar to wormwood but with a greater female emphasis
Latin Name: Silybum Marianum, Carduus Marianus
(1), (3)
Common Name: Milk Thistle, St. Mary’s Thistle
Family: Asteraceae
Parts Used: seed
Tincture: 30:1 seed extract – 175 mg protective tonic dosage, 600 mg for therapeutic and restorative dosage
Constituents: flavonolignans, fixed oils (oleic acid, palmitic acid), sterols (cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol), mucilage, silymarin (silybin, silydianin, silychristin – these are responsible for the antihepatotoxic effects)
Taste: sweet, oily
Effects: hepatic tonic, galactagogue, demulcent, cholagogue, antihepatotoxic
Medical Use:
Excellent tonic for treating liver conditions, when the liver is injured, chemically damaged, mushroom poisoning, or swollen, hepatic congestion and sluggish liver, insufficient bile, or cases of jaundice, and gall stones, and constipation – works to protect the liver cells
Quite effective in treating varicose veins, and dry hard conditions in the veins, skin and stool, and heavy or thick coating on the tongue
Can be used for treating chronic uterine problems
Promotes milk secretion and is safe for use by breast-feeding mothers
History or Folklore: The ‘milk’ in its name points to the long historical use for it in promoting lactation
Latin Name: Glycyrrhiza Glabra
(3), (4)
Common Name: Licorice
Family: Fabaceae
Parts Used: dried root
Decoction: an acrid resin is released after about 5 minutes of boiling, this resin is related to many beneficial effects, but if the taste is sought after it should not be boiled for less than 5 minutes. ½-1TSP of root in 1 C of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 1-3 ml 3x per day
Constituents: oleanane triterpenes (glycyrrhizin, glycyrrhetinic acid, phytosterols), flavonoids, isoflavonoids, chalcones, polysaccharides (mainly glucans), volatile oils, starches, sugars, amino acids, substances in this herb produce physiological reactions of desoxycorticosterone, with associated retention of sodium and water and the excretion of potassium
Taste: sweet
Effects: expectorant, demulcent, anti-inflammatory (triterpenes are metabolized in the body to molecules similar in structure to that of the adrenal cortex hormones likely leading to this effect), antihepatotoxic, antispasmodic, mild laxative, emollient, demulcent, nutritive, chi tonic, aperient, mild sedative
Medical Use:
Can be useful in helping with liver toxicity and chronic cases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis -- works to clear out heat and detoxify poisons
It stops the development of herpes simplex virus particles
Works for treating bronchial problems including dryness of the lungs, coughs, bronchitis, and catarrh – it acts on the mucus surface lessening irritation
Relieves abdominal colic and has been used for peptic, stomach and duodenalulcers
Useful as a flavoring agent in herbal formulas (it is 50x sweeter than sugar so the smallest amount is able to cut through a formula), as well as serving to have a harmonizing effect with the other herbs in a formula
Contraindications: It causes potassium to pass through the body, so prolonged use can cause headaches, numbness, weakness of limbs, dizziness, and edema with high blood pressure.
Should be used moderately for women , who tend to retain water more than men
Latin Name: Mentha Piperita
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Peppermint
Family: Lamiaceae
Parts Used: aerial parts
Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water over a heaping TSP of dried herb and infuse in a covered container for 10 minutes, and drank as often as desired
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 1-2ml 3x per day
Essential oil: 3-4 drops in hot water as an inhalation
Constituents: flavonoids (glycosides of apigenin, diosmetin, and luteolin), acetic acid, tannins, resin, gum, triterpenes, essential oil (menthol, menthone, and menthyl acetate), phenolic acid (caffeic, chlorogenic, and rosmarinic acid), bitter principle
Taste: pungent, cooling stimulating, with a secondary action of warming and relaxing, bitter
Effects: nervine, antispasmodic, analgesic, it opens the sweat pores and peripheral circulation through relaxation, antiseptic, actions travel through the lymphatics of the body, stimulates the spleen, improves the breakdown of old red blood cells, increases white cell production, restorative and rejuvenative effect on the immune system, carminative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, anti-emetic, antimicrobial, aromatic, calmative, mild alterative
Medical Use:
Cures colic often almost immediately, used for sudden cramping and pains throughout the abdomen – helps to relax the muscles of the digestive system, with the volatile oil acting as an anaesthetic to the stomach walls therein allaying the feeling of nausea and a desire to vomit
Where food tends to ferment in the stomach and bowels it is advised as an antiseptic to prevent fermentation and promote digestion – also working to reduce flatulence
Used for sudden onset of cold or flu (brought on by exposure to cold) -- formula made with yarrow and elder is great traditional remedy -- mint tea very helpful even for influenza (helps with grippe)
Peppermint oil massaged into the lymphatic ducts is particularly effective for increasing lymphatic circulation (increased flow of water through the lymphatics creates cooling moistening effects on hot dry conditions in the interior of the body *except when those hot dry conditions are in the gut*) -- therein improving uptake of digestate relieving alimentary stasis
Relieves hot dry conditions of the joints and skin, moving fluids to hard to reach connective tissues (which are outside normal circulation of the blood)
Helps with the feeling of nausea during pregnancy and with motion sickness
Inhaled the oil aids in the temporary relief of nasal catarrh – its nervine action relieves anxiety and can ease tension and headaches
Contraindications: in conditions with a hot dry colon, painful bowel complaints with inflammation - pain on pressure, a dry tongue with red tips or edges
peppermint and menthol can temporarily over-relax the nerves and muscles -- the peristaltic action of the intestine can become relaxed and loose its tone from prolonged daily consumption (discontinuing use of the tea resolves the issue), because of this effect peppermint is not recommended after a meal when the peristaltic effect is needed, however, spearmint should be considered a safe alternative
Dosha: used to reduce ‘wind’ in the intestines
Latin Name: Rumex Crispus
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Yellow Dock, Curly Dock
Family: Polygonaceae or Knotweed
Parts Used: root
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 1-2ml 3x per day
Decoction: 1-2 TSP of root in 1C water, bring to a boil, and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes; drank three times per day
Constituents: anthraquinone, tannin, iron, oxalic acid, sulphur, glycosides (nepodin, physcion, emodin)
Taste: sour (leaf like its cousins sorrel), astringent, bitter (root), cool
Effects: alterative, laxative, nerve tonic, hepatic, cholagogue, astringent, aperient, blood tonic
Medical Use:
Helpful when there is heat in the GI tract
Useful when the tongue has red sides, tip, or middle, often with a thick or thrushy coating on the sides or going down the throat -- a remedy for thrust; the skin in the face is red on the cheeks usually with yellow (also helps with jaundice) around the eyes (showing stagnation in the digestive tract) -- there could be an overabundance of saliva, showing digestive overactivity, excess appetite, and hydrochloric acid (tannin quiets irritation while the iron tones and strengthens the muscles and walls of the stomach and bowels)
Aids in cases where the bowels are loose but at the same time are difficult to expel, due to weakness of the rectal or intestinal muscles – also helps with constipation, increasing the flow of bile and aids in cleansing the blood
Acts as a laxative only when given in large quantities
Good for nervousness and nerve debility, because the phosphorus it contains forms a food for the brain and nervous system -- and in treating Hepatitis B -- as well as aiding iron deficiencies (liberating iron that is stored in the liver)
Used when there is cases of anemia in general with particular help when there is anemia during pregnancy
Helps with the treatment of old wounds, boils, sores, and scalds (relieves the ‘fire’, cooling and toning), taken internally or externally in a lotion -- also when there is rheumatism
Gargle with powdered root is great for the mouth and strengthening of the gums
Great for treating chronic skin complaint such as psoriasis, eczema or other itchy problems with a hot and inflammatory nature (combined with sarsaparilla as a tea for chronic skin problems)
Contraindications: Fresh yellow dock root may cause vomiting
May potentiate the activity of stimulant laxatives
History or Folklore: It is a yellow, man shaped root that helps downward movement in the digestive tract
‘Badger medicine’ -- for excess ‘badger energy’, which is too much fire in the stomach and digestive tract, too much appetite, and too much emotional energy
Latin Name: Larrea Divaricata
(2), (4)
Common Name: Chaparral, Creosote Bush
Parts Used: leaves
Habitat: deserts of Arizona and California, and in the areas where it is found it can be the most dominant plant growing that is seen when looking out at a distance
Take 1 Tsp of leaves, pour a cup of very hot but not boiling water over it and let it sit overnight, drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Save the tsp of herb and repeat this same process three more times (four in total with the same herb), take the used parts out and place them at the base of a tree. Get another tsp and repeat the process six more time, there will be 28 day in this process - it is slow and gentle so the medicine is able to work and not cause undesirable reactions (however, there might be emotional issues which surface while the body is detoxifying itself)
Constituents: bitter terpenes, saponins (soaps), volatile oils, NDGA (which has pronounced antioxidant effects and anticancer and tumor potential)
Taste: slightly salty, acrid, bitter, cool
Effects: stimulant (lipid metabolism), antiseptic, alterative, antibiotic, antifungal, antitumor, laxative
Medical Use:
When there are conditions of degraded tissue, from exposure to poisons or drugs, it is able to kill back lower life forms that would otherwise feed on those tissue states; it counteracts the problems associated with toxins clogging up of the elimination channels, the lungs, skin, kidneys, colon, menses -- helping with skin diseases
Has vasodepressant properties and has been found to increase ascorbic acid levels in the adrenals
At the right dosage helps livers catabolic and anabolic conditions, suggested when tissue needs to be cleansed and built
Indicated often when there is impure blood, or when the internal oils are polluted (because fats are used to store contaminants); the saponins are able to bind with the oils and clean them out of the system
Can be helpful in treatment for arthritis and rheumatic difficulties, and to releive pain
Has been used for treating cancer
Mouthwash used on a daily basis will prevent dental caries
Contraindications: overdosage can lead to toxic hepatitis; where labs researching the the herb have found it to be helpful for the liver, studies have also shown it to be toxic to the liver, so use with caution being mindful of dosage and frequency
Not recommended for children under two, pregnant or nursing woman
Some find the potent smell and taste of the plant to be overwhelming and a little offensive
Latin Name: Matricaria Chamomilla, Anthemis Nobilis
(1), (4)
Common Name: Chamomile - German and Roman
Part Used: flowers
Infusion: pour boiling water over 1-2 tsp of herb and let to steep in a covered container for 10 minutes
Constituents: blue volatile oil (azulene), flavonoids (cooling and relaxing), bitter sesquiterpene lactones (stimulate digestive juices) ,volatile oils (antipyretic and antispasmodic), mucilage (soothing, nourishing, immunostimulating) amino acids, fatty acids, coumarins, tannic acid
Taste: pungent, bitter, cooling, drying, oily
Effects: relaxant, anti-allergenic, nervine, antispasmodic, anodyne, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, carminative, fresh preparations (preserving the volatile oils) are relaxant, dried preparations are bitter and promote secretions to the stomach, GI, and liver, relieves physical and mental tension, sedative, can put calcium in serum without sedating HCl production, balances emotional and astral energies (sweetens the soul)
Medical Use:
Well suited for babies (not infants or children but babies), those with a low threshold for pain, a high tendency for whining, and that are difficult to sooth -- those who commonly express, “i can’t bare it”
Is a gentle relaxing nervine, and is well suited for children, the fresh plant is often attractive to young children and babies, who when playing with or eating the herb are calmed down in a soothing way -- all of the plant is safe to consume
Helps with mouth and gum pains, used for teething infants
Useful for nervousness, headaches, anxiety, cramps and spasms -- having an easily assimilable form of calcium, a TBSP steeped in a cup of near boiling water (with a couple slices of fresh ginger) is very effective for aiding with menstrual cramps and related pains
Is helpful with digestive complaints, gas, and acid indigestion; taken regularly will gently regulate the bowels
Can be beneficial with the cold and flu
History or Folklore: it is the physician to the plant world, if a plant in drooping in the garden, in most cases it will recover if camomile is placed near it
Dosha: suited for conditions where wind (tension) has combined with heat (overstimulation, excitation, irritation) -- vata pushing pitta -- can be seen as having one cheek red and one cheek pale; intermittent fever
Latin Name: Althea Officinalis
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Marshmallow
Family: Malvaceae
Habitat: native to the salt marshes along the ocean in Europe, but can also grow along inland ditches and waterways
Parts Used: roots, leaves, and flowers
Collecting: the leaves are harvested just before flowering to enhance the mucilaginous extraction
Roots is used primarily for the digestive system -- best cold extracted in water; infuse 2-4g overnight in 1C of cold water
Leaf is used primarily for the urinary system
Mucilage extracts poorly in alcohol
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), 1-4ml 3x per day
Root: mucilage, polysaccharide, pectin, asparagines, tannins, phosphate of lime, cellulose, glutinous matter
Leaf: mucilage, (D-glucan), flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, diosmetin glycosides), scopoletin (a coumarin), polyphenolic acids (syringic, caffeic, salicylic, vanillic, p-coumaric), tannins, salt, phenolic acids
Taste: salty, sweet, cool, mucilaginous, bitter
Effects: moistening, soothing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, emollient, softening to hard tissue (water follows salt), specifically indicated for the kidneys (which balances the water and solids) and bladder, expectorant, soothing to mucus membranes, yin tonic, nutritive, alterative, vulnerary, laxative
Medical Use:
Root is primarily used for the digestive system from the mouth down, while the leaf is typically used for the urinary system and the lungs
Helpful when there are ulcers, kidney stones, difficult urination, blood in the urine, stool, coming from the noseor when vomiting up blood
For those who are dried out and lack thirst as well as those who have an excessive thirst and urination -- wasting or thirsting diseases
Used externally it can prevent the formation of pus, as well as aiding in drawing things out when ointment is placed on abscesses and boils, is a soothing wash for psoriasis or eczema, burns, scalds, and gangrene, and for lubricating joints and stiff muscles, and an emollient for varicose veins and ulcers
Highly recommended during chemotherapy, and for smokers who have dried out or overheated their membranes, or those with dry coughs, also when there is cough, dryness and inflammation of the lungs as with tuberculosis
Contraindications: may delay the absorption of other drugs taken at the same time
Dosha: when people have a red dry tongue, glazed shiny surface, sometimes with horizontal breaks or cuts in the glaze -- this indicating dryness, hardening, and heat
Latin Name: Berberis Aquifolium, Mahonia Repens
(2), (4)
Common Name: Oregon Grape root
Family: barberry
Habitat: native to the rocky mountains
Parts Used: root
Decoction: ½ - 1 TSP of herb for each cup of water and simmer for at least 10 minutes; to account for the water lost from evaporation always add extra water to the pot, this is particularly important when one making one serving of the decoction
Constituents: germ killing alkaloid berberine
Taste: bitter, cold
Effects: bitter tonic, promotes internal and external secretions in dry and atrophic diseases, antibiotic the antibiotic effects are supported by multiple actions working within the plant -- not just the berberine), promotes secretion in the GI tract improving digestion, assimilation, and metabolism, acts on the liver and gallbladder, blood-maker, blood-cleanser, microbicide, heals lymphatic system, promotes strength and vitality
Medical Use:
Aids in alleviating constipation, creates appetite, and improves digestion
Acts well when the body is dried out or has conditions complicated due to dryness -- when the body is dry it is unable to move metabolites, therefore problems with anabolism (tissue building) and catabolism (tissue cleansing -- waste products can build up in the system)
Long been used for all chronic degenerative diseases, specifically cancer and arthritis
Aids in the therapeutic treatment of skin conditions; indicated when muscles, joints, and bones are inflamed and sore (largely due to poor cleansing and removal of waste product from connective tissues, and when there is blood toxicity)
Can cause the release of iron stored in the liver; woman drinking tea first thing each morning can have it stimulate menses
History or Folklore: gives new tone and new blood to the body (this healthy improvement to changing the internal system contribute to the antibiotic effects)
Latin Name: Arctium Lappa
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Burdock
Family: Asteraceae
Botany: biennial
Parts Used: root
Collecting: best to gather root during first fall, and for the seed during the second fall
Extracts well in alcohol
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 2-4ml 3x per day
Decoction: 1 TSP of root into 1C water, bring to a boil, and simmer for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Constituents: Lignans (arctigenin, arctiin, matairesinol), bitter principles, nearly 45% inulin (starch), mucilage, sugars, pectin, sulphur, organic fatty acids, polyacetylenes, carbohydrates, phenolic acids, essential oil
Taste: root -- bitter sweet, pungent, oily warm, cool
seed -- bitter pungent, sweet, cool, diffusive
Effects: alterative, blood purifier, suited for dry atrophic conditions, oilincreases secretion of bile improving absorption of oil and fats through the small intestine, better activity of the gallbladder, increased processing of oils by the liver, diuretic, bitter, antitumor, antimutagenic, diaphoretic, nutritive
Medical Use:
Blood purifier; recommended when there is poor secretion of bile and the stool is dry or there is constipation, and poor emulsification of fats and oils ( with poor absorption of lipids there is a lower amount of these substances around the body) -- often showing in the body through dry, scaly, or weeping skin
Sometimes the sebaceous glands gets blocked, due to a lack of oil moving through them, resulting in inflammation -- therefore burdock is indicated with acne and boils; also being helpful for psoriasis and rheumatic complaints when used over a long period
Helpful when the sinuses and lungs have become dry with the secretion through the kidneys being limited
Remedy for sugar imbalances – also working to support kidney function
Endocrine and female remedy -- steroids and hormones are made from oils and require oil for transmission through the blood, all hormones of any kind require adequate fluid for movement; it works well to move the body to a state of balanced integration and health
Helpful with digestion and appetite and has been used effectively in anorexia and similar conditions
Applied as a poultice or compress it speeds the healing of wounds, skin diseases, ulcers, boils, carbuncles; eczema and psoriasis may also be treated in this way (but with these conditions it is important to remember that healing will only take place from within)
Seeds used in treating throat infections, pneumonia, scarlet fever, measles, smallpox, as well as being excellent for the treatment of colds and flu
Contraindications: causes allergic reactions in some, particularity with sensitivities to plants in the family asteraceae
History or Folklore: bear medicine (root with its brown fur-like burs) -- bear medicine usually stimulates the gallbladder, liver, thyroid, and adrenocortical functions, encouraging the digestion and metabolism of fats and proteins -- metabolic swings relating around hibernation is dependent upon storage and utilization of fats and proteins
Latin Name: Scutellaria Lateriflora, S. Galericulata
(2), (3), (4)
Common Name: Skullcap
Family: Lamiaceae (mint)
Parts Used: Aerial parts
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 2-4ml 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1C boiling water over 1-2 TSP of dried herb and infuse for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Constituents: flavonoids (baicalein, baicalin, scutellarin, wogonin), iridoids (catalpol), volatile oils, tannins, bitter glycoside and principle, fat, sugar
Taste: bitter, cool
Effects: aids the nervous system from two direction of concern: first when there is irritability of the nervous system, restlessness, nervousness and an inability to sleep, second when there is irregular muscular actions resulting in twitching, tremors and restlessness – the herbs soothing influences continue for a protracted period after being discontinued
Sedative, tones the nervous system giving regularity of action, antispasmodic, hypertensive, lessens cerebral excitement, abates delirium, diminishes febrile excitement, excites diaphoresis (useful in breaking up a recent cold) and diuresis, febrifuge, diuretic, affinity with the peripheral nervous system (when colors or lights are too bright, things are felt as being too intense, twitchiness while awake or asleep, and feeling like one ‘wants to crawl out of their skin’),
great nervine due to it not dragging on the rest of the system -- good for thin people
Medical Use:
Treatment for almost any nervous malfunction, mild or chronic; it quiets and soothes the irritability of the nervous system
Useful when there is fever and other acute diseases where there is a tendency for delirium
Helpful in addressing female issues such as PMS, acute dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia, or others where the head has a chance of being unpleasantly affected -- its effects work to equalize the flow of currents therein lessening the likelihood of congestion
Aids in the treatment of convulsions, chorea, hysteria, trismus, tetanic cramps, and spasmodic disorders -- particularly during the remission; when there is irritation in the nervous system this can increase to the point of spasms, skullcap is able to help conditions not getting to this point; however it might not directly help in addressing the spasms while they are occurring
Treats conditions in children; nervous irritability, wakefulness, slight febrile disturbances, flatulence, colicky pains, and condition associated with exhaustion and insomnia
Long used for treating petit mal seizures, but is also seen as being helpful for epilepsy and seizures generally
Can be useful for inducing calm and counteracting sleeplessness
One of the best herbs to use when breaking an addiction and helping to ease the problems associated with drug and alcohol withdraw -- when taken for this purpose, consuming an infusion of ½ tsp herb per cup of water taken every two hours at the beginning, and then gradually tapering off as the symptoms subside
Herb is a good brain tonic for promoting meditation
Contraindications: can potentiate the effects of sedative medication
History or Folklore: historically used for treating rabies
Precautions: much of what is sold as skullcap in the U.S. is germander (Teucrium) so make sure to ask for the genuine herb before purchasing
Latin Name: Lobelia Inflata
(2), (3), (4)
Common Name: Indian Tobacco, Lobelia
Family: Campanulaceae
Parts Used: aerial parts, seeds (believed to be the strongest part of the plant), leaves and flowers
Collecting: picked when in seed
Dried used for infusions
Infusion: pour 1C of boiling water over ¼ teaspoon of dried herb and infuse for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Fresh used for alcohol extractions
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), (1-2 drops can be a very good dosages) .5-1 ml 3x per day -- discontinue if too much (excessive salivation, or nausea)
Tinctures are extracted well in acidic conditions, so making a tincture with apple cider vinegar works out well -- four ounces of herb to eight ounces of vinegar, macerate in wide mouth jar for a couple weeks, strain and bottle.
Constituents: piperidine alkaloids (lobeline -- a nicotine mimic, lobelanidine, lobelanince), bitter glycosides, resins, gums, volatile oils, chelidonic acid, fats
Taste: acrid, diffusive, bitter
Effects: nerve relaxant (opens obstructions to the skin, circulation, nervous system, muscles, and internal organs that depend on nerve impulses), emetic, favors a full outward flow of blood with diaphoresis, secures greater fullness and softness in the pulse with reduced excitability of the heart, antispasmodic, expectorant, depressant, antispasmodic, diuretic, alterative
Medical Use:
Used to cleanse the stomach -- in large dosages, yet in small doses it is able to arrest spasmodic and even sympathetic vomiting
Persistent small doses are relaxant to all structures and bring out latent tensions-- can go on relaxing the system to the point that the sympathetic nervous system is relaxed to such a degree that the parasympathetic nervous system takes over and the individual through awake is incapable of movement, a state of ‘suspended animation’ -- allowing for a free secretion and removal of all obstructions and offending substances – it works very well in combination with other herbs in that when the body is in an increased state of relaxation the effectiveness of the other herbs is enhanced
Benefits the circulation, it is equalized within the body due to the blood vessels being relieved of tension
For the treatment of phrenitis, meningitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, peritonitis, nephritis, inflammation of the periosteum in long bones, alveolar processes, about the ear, or other places – useful for bronchial asthma and bronchitis as it relaxes the respiratory passages therein working well when there is respiratory problems caused by nerve tension
Valuable in the use of fever, and spasmodic coughing and asthma (but not humid asthma)
Alkaloids similar to nicotine yet milder cause a similar effect in that; there is an initial CNS stimulation, followed by respiratory depression – it is used in herbal smoking preparations as an ingredient which lessens the desire for tobacco
May be used to lessen the strength of contractions during natural childbirth -- can be useful for lockjaw and most other spasmodic conditions
It is an important herb for treating poisonous bites and stings
Contraindications: excessive dosages (like those seen with nicotine and tobacco) can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, tremors, and dizziness
Should not be used during pregnancy or while lactating
Latin Name: Hypericum Perforatum
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: St. John’s Wort
Family: Clusiaceae
Parts Used: flower and aerial parts
Collecting: pick the flowers when they are dry (not moist) from midsummer onwards, preferably on a long hot dry summer day
Infused oils (or salve): place flower (or leaves) which were picked when they have just opened and crush them in oil, and then cover them in more oil and place in a clear glass container. Leave in a sunny location for about 6 weeks shaking often. Strain through a cloth filter and let the oil sit up. Water layer will form on the bottom; decant from the top leaving the water layer undisturbed, placing oil into a well sealing dark glass container
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 2-4ml 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1C of boiling water over 1-2 TSP of dried herb and infuse for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Constituents: volatile oil (caryophyllene and others), naphthodianthones (hypericin, pseudohypericin), phloroglucinols (hyperforin), catechins, proanthocyanidins, flavonoids (hyperoside, rutin)
Taste: sweet, oily warm, dry, bitter cool
Effects: improves digestion and metabolism, builds tissue tone, helps the liver process complex toxins (including pharmaceutical drugs), slightly strengthens the eliminative faculties -- skin, kidneys, colon, lungs), a stomach normalizer (for both hypo and hyperacidity), helps weak digestive nerve reflexes and the enteric brain (seat of the instincts), liver detoxifier, does not seem to be a MAO inhibitor, balsamic (oily plant with volatile oils that are soothing, calming, and curative), anti-inflammatory, astringent, vulnerary, nervine, antimicrobial, sedative, antidepressant, altrtative
Medical Use:
Serves as a remedy for injuries to nerves, specifically in areas where there is a concentration of nerves like the eyes, fingertips and the spine, and the individual is experiencing sharp shooting pains or inflammation, acute sensitivityor pain along nerves – its pain relieving effects work well to treat neuralgia, anxiety and tension; particularly when triggered by menopause
One of the most important herbal pain relievers
Mixed with aloe power it is a deep liver detoxifier, working to promote the elimination of catabolic waste products (sometimes whole flakes of morbid matter are seen being washed away in the urine) -- it is called for when there is tension from a toxic liver (when it is overpowering the spleen) and the digestive track or the autonomic nervous system is weak
Helps with depression and SAD (seasonal affect disorder), and concussions and stiff necks
Helps bad breath and gum disease
Applied externally it speeds the healing of wounds and bruises, varicose veins, mild burns, and sunburns; as well as being good in applications working to treat diseases directly affecting the spine
Contraindications: can cause sensitivity to light or sunburn
May have a drug interaction if simultaneously administered with SSRI, oral contraceptives, or a host of other medication
History or Folklore: used since ancient times and associated with the little people; fairies, witches, saints and the like
Latin Name: Avena Sativa
Common Name: Wild Oats (Oatstraw)
Family: Poaceae
Parts Used: seeds, whole plant
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), 3-5ml 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1-3 TSP of dried straw and leaves and infuse for 10-15 minutes, and drank 3x per day
Herbal Bath: boil 2 quarts of water with 1 pound of shredded oat straw for 30 minutes, strain this liquid and add it to bath.
Bath can also be made by placing cooked rolled oats into a muslin bag and soaking it in the bath
Constituents: Proteins (prolamins known as avenins) C-glycosyl flavones, avenacosides (spirostanol glycosides), fixed oil, vitamin E; starch
Effects: nervine tonic, antidepressant, nutritive, demulcent, vulnerary
Medical Use:
As a tonic it is one of the best remedies for ‘feeding’ the nervous system, especially when the individual is under stress – may be used in conjunction with other nervines be they relaxant or stimulant it will strengthen the whole nervous system
Herbal bath is very helpful in treating irritated skin condition and neuralgia
Latin Name: Valeriana Officinalis
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Valerian
Family: Valerianaceae
Habitat: temperate regions, original to Europe
Parts Used: root
Recommended that a sufficiently high dose is taken so that is able to be effective
Fresh root makes the best tincture due to preserving the volatile oils, making it more tonic and less reactive than when prepared with dried root
Tincture: (1:5 in 60%), 2.5 – 10 ml (1/2 – 2 tsp) may be give at one time
Hot Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water over 2 tsp of dried herb and steep in a closed vessel.
Cold Infusion: pour 1 cup of water over 2 tsp of the root and let stand for 8 – 10 hours; this can be set up by preparing a cup in the morning enabling the cup to be drank that night before bed
Infusion can be taken one to several time per day
Constituents: valepotriates, volatile oils containing valerenone and valerenic acid, alkaloids
Taste: acrid, bitter, spicy, warm
Effects: antispasmodic, central nervous system depressant, relaxes constricted muscles, gentle soothing effect, cerebral stimulant, reduces neuro-muscular tension, small dosages are generally relaxing and large dosages are stimulating but this can be individually determinant, nervine, hypnotic, carminative, hypotensive, emmenagogue, anodyne
Medical Use:
Treats tense and constricted tissue and mental states, and to ease pain; actions upon the nervous system can be best seen when the circulation of those centers is underactive or feeble, especially when the face is pale and the skin is cool -- is best for individuals with a cold nervous condition
Used for insomnia as it enables normal sleep while not being too powerful to disrupt necessary REM phases, and cases of hysterical conditions, addresses both pain and imaginary distress to produce quiet
Aids where there is restricted or limited cerebral circulation, and works as a brain stimulant with there being suggestions that it could be a possible aid used in small amount for cognitive disorders or Alzheimer's, or as a preventative for Alzheimer’s
Helpful for people with acute cognitive, emotional, or spiritual disturbances who need immediate relief
Counters the effects of alcohol
Can be helpful when there is muscle cramping including indigestion, uterine cramps and intestinal colic; and working for some as a pain reliever
Contraindications: in large doses can cause nervousness, restlessness, wakefulness, and twitching followed by a drowsy sleepy relaxation, can make one numb and knock them out
Wrong amount taken can cause the problems which it is attempting to cure
Few individuals have noticed a paradoxical effect even at low dosages
Herb can have opposite effect on individuals who have a heated condition, since it is both heating and a sedative
History or Folklore: traditionally used for over excitement and sleeplessness
Latin Name: Urtica Dioica, U. Urens
(3), (4)
Common Name: Nettle, Hedge Nettle, Stinging Nettle
Family: Urticaceae
Parts Used: aerial parts, roots
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 2.5 – 5 ml, 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C boiling water over 1-3 teaspoons of dried herb and infuse for 10-15 minutes, and drank 3x per day
Eating: can be steamed like other greens and eaten in a way similar to spinach, it tastes very nice and has nearly the same percentage quantity of protein by weight as beef -- the larger stems should be avoided as the name nettle and net have are related, and the stems are very fibrous
Constituents: chlorophyll (significant amounts),indoles such as histamine and serotonin, acetylcholine, flavonol glycosides (isorhamnetin, kaempferol, quercetin), vitamin C as well as other vitamins, protein, dietary fiber
Effects: astringent, diuretic, general tonic, hypotensive, rubefacient
Medical Use:
As a general tonic it helps to strengthen and support the whole body; also as an alkalizing spring tonic it is a useful general detoxifying remedy
Topically applied it can aid myalgia and osteoarthritis – this use of the herb topically involves stinging the skin around the affected area which increases circulation therein lessening the pain and stiffness of the affected area
Helpful as an astringent in relieving symptoms of hemorrhage anywhere in the body, as well as treating eczema with a specific ability to effectively work for cases of childhood eczema
Root aids to improve urine flow, decreasing the volume of residual urine and working to treat the early stages of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP)
Contraindications: Touching fresh nettles often cause the skin to be stung! Be careful when handling fresh herb by wearing gloves and long sleeves. Once dried or cooked it is nearly always safe to handle and eat
History or Folklore: The name nettle relates to its very tough fibrous stems which were used in the construction of netting for which its name was given
Latin Name: Centella Asiatica
(1), (4)
Common Name: Gotu Kola, Hydrocotyle
Habitat: drainage ditches in India, many of which are often polluted
Parts Used: leaf
Collecting: *be sure that plant comes from a clean quality source*
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1SP of herb and steep for 10 minutes
Tincture 12-30 drops taken in the morning and afternoon
Constituents: triterpene saponins (stimulates the skin), flavonoids, alkaloids, volatile oils (terpenoids), bitters, fatty acids, sterols, resins, tannins, proteins, phenols
Taste: pungent, sweet, astringent, bitter, cool
Effects: cerebral tonic, longevity tonic, stimulates blood flow in the capillaries, reduces venous stagnation and insufficiency, improves cholesterol balance, helps break down aged blood cells, reduces urea in the blood (acidity), increases circulation to the brain and extremities, alterative, antipyretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, nervine
Medical Use:
Works well to clean the blood
Used for mental fatigue, low vitality, senility, and high blood pressure
Helpful for inflammation in the skin, involving micro organisms, and varicose veins
Aids in cases of arthritis and tendonitis
Helps dry skin, cold extremities, and treat edema
Is a prime nerve nervine tonic and can be used to treat insomnia, stress, nervousness and disturbed emotions
Promotes mental calm and clarity which has been noted as assisting the practice of yoga and meditation
Used with eclipta for strengthening the nerves and promoting the growth of hair
Contraindications: can cause sleepiness if taken in the evening
Latin Name: Melissa
(1), (3), (4)
Common Name: Lemon Balm
Family: Lamiaceae -- Mint
Habitat: native to Europe
Parts Used: leaves, fresh or dried aerial parts
Effects of tincture are much more marked when the plant is prepared fresh
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 2-6 ml 3x per day
Infusion: should also be made from fresh leaves if available
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 2-3 tsp dried herb or 4-6 tsp fresh herb and steep in a covered contained for 10-15 minutes
Constituents: flavonoids, triterpenic acid such as ursolic and pomolic acids, volatile oils (citronella), neral and geraniol, caryophyllene oxide, several terpenes, polyphenols (protocatechuic acid, caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid, and tannins), antiviral (hot-water extract), bitter principles
Taste: sour and spicy cool
Effects: cooling, nerve-calming sedative, nervine, diaphoretic, antidepressant (specifically nervous depression), antispasmodic (in respiratory centers), carminative, diaphoretic, antimicrobial, hepatic, cardio-tonic, emmenagogue, stomachic
Medical Use:
It has a tonic effect on the heart and circulation, and is well suited for conditions relating to the stomach and the heart like heart palpitations, atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, aneurysm, and rapid or superficial pulse – causes mild vasodilatation of peripheral vessels thus lowering blood pressure
Suited to conditions of sympathetic excess, hyperadrenalism, hyperthyroidism,
Recommended for fevers and numerous children’s diseases with good results in young children because in addition to its helpful constituents it also has a pleasant flavor
Helpful when the digestion has been long irritated, when there are issues with spasms in the digestive tract or irritating gas; can also be helpful with chronic bronchial catarrh
Can be used for treating skin conditions such as burns, blisters, herpetic sores and sweaty palms – use topically such as carried through an oil infusion can be effective when treating herpes skin lesions
Acting as a slight sedative it can be helpful for calming anxiety or depression, particularly when the anxiety is resulting in other secondary conditions such as migraines, tension, headaches, melancholy, and anxiety induces palpitations
Contraindications: considered extremely safe through history, however, some recent lab studies have indicated it may interfere with the action of thyroid hormones
Latin Name: Anemone Humulus Lupulus
(1), (4)
Common Name: Hops
Family: marijuana
Habitat: native to Europe
Botany: a vining plant
Parts Used: flowers, fruit
The longer the drying time the more relaxing it becomes to the nervous system, whereas the shorter the drying time the more bitter and stomachic it will be
Small doses are advised in nervous anxiety, whereas larger doses are for insomnia and where sedation is required
Infusion: pour 1 C boiling water over 1 TSP of herb and let steep for 10-15 minutes in a covered container, this herb pairs well with other herbs when used in an infusion
Flowers: bitters (up to 30%), tannins, ammonia (hence the urinous smell), volatile oils
Fruit: resins, pectin, tannins, bitters, volatile oils, rutin
Upon drying: (acrid) valeric acid develops
Taste: acrid, bitter, salty, cool
Effects: smooth muscle relaxant, antispasmodic, sedative, bitter tonic, anodyne, antibiotic, nervine, sedative, hypnotic, antiseptic
Medical Use:
Aids in water balance in the kidneys
Suited to conditions where there is sleepiness, pain, twitching, and tremors associated with exhaustion from mental, emotional, and nervous strain and overexcitement
Useful for people with intense personalities and drives, mental strain, and strong emotions like anger or hatred, the overexercise of which results in nervous exhaustion, nervousness, insomnia, and worry (the person is strong above and weak below)
Remedy for the abused or nervous stomach by normalizing gastric secretions whether too high or too low -- half a beer increases digestive secretions, whereas a whole beer decreases them; when gastric secretions are diminished, food does not digest well, the head pounds, and the person can not sleep
Used by fomentation or hot poultice on boils, skin irritations, spasms, and is particularly well suit for pains of the lower back
History or Folklore: the flowers are used to flavor beer
The use of a hops pillow for insomnia by King George III was regarded as producing “excellent results”, proving particularly helpful for tense or nervous people who are unable to sleep -- also used by Abraham Lincoln
Latin Name: Eschscholzia Californica
(2), (3), (4)
Common Name: California Poppy
Family: Papaveraceae
Parts Used: dried aerial parts, seeds
Tinctures are best made from the fresh plant in flower
Tincture: take 20-40 drops an hour before bed, and again just before bed
Tincture: for antispasmodic indications use (1:5 in 25%), .5-2 ml 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C boiling water over 1-2 teaspoon of dried herb and infuse for 10 minutes – a cup drank at night will promote restful sleep
Constituents: alkaloids, flavone glycosides
Taste: bitter, cool
Effects: sedative, increases fluids, lubricant, nervine, hypnotic, antispasmodic, anodyne, febrifuge, analgesic
Medical Use:
Can be helpful with sleepless and frenetic children – or if sleep is not deep enough (is not as depressing or narcotic as other poppies), or if sleep is too deep and the child does not wake to go to the bathroom
Promotes relaxation, calms the nerves as well as inflamed skin and tinnitus
Can be useful whenever an antispasmodic remedy is indicated such as with colic pain or to treat gallbladder colic
Contraindications: It is contraindicated during pregnancy or when on a MAO inhibitor
May have an additive effect when used with other sedatives
Latin Name: Zea Mays
(2), (3), (4)
Common Name: Corn Silk
Family: grass
Parts Used: stigma from female flowers (soft fine hair like threads that are found under the husk when husking corn)
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), 5-10 ml 3x per day
Tincture can be made with alcohol or vinegar
Infusion: pour 1 C boiling water over 2-4 tsp of dried herb and infuse for 10-15 minutes and drank 3x per day
Constituents: saponins, allantoin, sterols (B-sitosterol and stigmasterol), hordenine (an alkaloid), vitamin C and K, cryptoxanthin, anthocyanins, resin, ascorbic acid, malic acid, palmitic acid, tartaric acid, oxalic acid, pantothenic acid
Taste: sweet, slightly bitter, moist, bland, neutral
Effects: demulcent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, lithotriptic, cholagogue
Medical Use:
Used for treating bladder inflammation, and infection, with the mild demulcent being soothing to the mucosa of the urinary tract; and is also beneficial in helping the mucosa of an irritated colon and strengthens uterine muscle tone – can also be helpful in dealing with bedwetting
Has been used in treating catarrhal cystitis, lithiasis (stones) and edema due to heart disease
Cornmeal with warm water is a good foot soak for treating nail fungus
Considered one of the milder and safer diuretics
Contraindications: can cause allergies
History or Folklore: high nitrogen content and urinous smell of growing corn are signature of its affinity for the bladder
Latin Name: Juniperus Communis
(2), (3)
Common Name: Juniper Berries
Family: cypress
Habitat: native to open territory in North America, Europe, and Asia
Botany: low shrub
Parts Used: dried fruit
Collecting: collect only the second year berries which are darkalmost deep purple, not the green first year ones
Best taken as an infusion
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1 tsp of lightly crushed berries and infuse in a covered container for 20 minutes, drank 3x per day
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), .5-1 ml (1-10 drops) taken 3x per day
Constituents: volatile oils (1-4%), sugar (15-30%), resin (10%), juniperin (yellow bitter principal, protein (4%), tannins, fats, wax, flavonoids, malates, vitamin C, formic and acetic acid, minerals (sulfur, copper, cobalt, tin, aluminum), diterpenes, flavonoids
Taste: pungent, bitter, acrid, sweet, warm, dry, oily
Effects: diuretic (volatile oils are irritating to membranes, so it is an irritating diuretic), stimulating, aromatic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, carminative,anti-rheumatic
Medical Use:
Indicated in depressive tissue states, suitable to cool, damp and phlegmatic conditions and helpful in dispelling wind and rock by urine, as when treating colics, and can result in gleety discharge
Works to dilate the glomeruli of the kidneys, so used in chronic renal congestion and swelling, especially when there is backache-- helping with conditions such as cystitis – however, quite stimulating to the kidney nephrons so should be used with caution by people with kidney disease
Can also work on the mucosa of the digestive tract and lungs, removing mucus from the GI tract in appropriate doses
Helps with cold damp mucus and spasms in the lungs -- asthmas, coughs, difficulty breathing, wheezing, shortness of breath, hoarseness and other cool moist conditions in the lungs
Acts to aid the digestive tract and with all diseases proceeding from wind in the stomach and the bowels, helping with flatulent colic
Useful in a bath and soaked for treating coldness or swelling of the limbs, cramps, numbness, weakness of the nerves or muscles, old aches and pains, bruises and strains – taken internally for rheumatism and arthritis
Extract has been shown to demonstrate the inhibition of herpes simplex virus
Helpful for treating menstrual cramps, facilitate both birth and after-birth, repress vapors from the womb, cleansing strengthening and warming that part
Oil applied to the temples for treating headaches
Contraindications: not recommended in acute, hot, and irritable states (in part due to its irritable nature) or inflammation, blood in the urine, stones in the kidneys, or when there are kidney disease
Not to be used during pregnancy due to stimulating uterine contractions
Prolonged use or overdose may cause renal damage
History or Folklore: berries are used in gin
Classic juniper person having water-logged kidneys with generalized retention of water in the body, especially in the lower parts of the body. The thighs may become water-logged, causing a waddling gait, spreading apart the legs, with the rear end wagging like a duck.
Latin Name: Equisetum Arvense, E. Hyemale
(1), (3)
Common Name: Horsetail, Shavegrass
Family: Equisetaceae
Habitat: typically grows in wet sand and is therefore very high in silicon, known as ‘vegetable silicon’
Botany: an ancient non-flowering plant
Parts Used: stem
Collecting: should only be picked when it is found growing on open sunlight, not in the shade. the stalks are picked when they are still tender, crushed to dry the water in the joints, and used as a decoction. If the water is not removed the plant may rot upon drying
The water in the joints is perhaps the strongest medicinal part of the plant so an extraction from the fresh plant in alcohol is excellent
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), 1-3 drops, 1-3 time per day, but dosage can be used at 10-25 drops
Decoction: simmer in a covered vessel for 15-20 minutes
Infusion: may be insufficient to be medicinally effective, however, 1 C of boiling water poured over 2 tsp of dried herb and infused for 15-20 and drank 3x per day has provided result to some
Bath: steep 100g (3 1/2 oz) of herb in hot water for an hour and add to the bath (helps with rheumatism)
Constituents: Alkaloids (nicotine, palustrine and palustrine), flavonoids (isoquercitrin and palustrinine) sterols (cholesterol, isofucosterol and campesterol), silicic acid, saponin (equisitonin), dimethylsulfone, thiaminase, aconitic acid
Taste: cool, earthy
Effects: antifungal, nourishing diuretic, astringent, vulnerary
Medical Use:
Due to the silica, has the ability to externalize or bring substances to the surface and move material around the periphery, therein strengthening the surface and helping strengthen structural material and connective tissue like cartilage, bone, skin (dry), hair, nails and to lessen hemorrhaging (due to being an effective astringent)
Helps with fungus growing under the toenails
Treats weak mucosa in the urinary tract, burning pains, cystitis, and increases both the watery and solid parts of the urine; and can help in dealing with gravel and irritation – its toning and astringent actions are helpful in treating incontinence and bedwetting in children
Improved healing from surgery in the aged, and when applied externally it assists in the healing of skin
Recommended in aiding with inflamed or benign enlargement of the prostate gland
Has been found to be of help in easing the pain of rheumatism and to stimulate the healing of chilblains
Contraindications: be very mindful of the location where it is harvested (see above)
The plant is ‘full of sand’ and should not be taken internally, as it will likely cause GI irritation
Dosha: for vata conditions where there are spilt ends and cracking of the nails and joints, nervousness and insecurity
Latin Name: Chimaphila Umbellata
Common Name: Pipsissewa
Family: Ericaceae or Heath
Botany: small evergreen plant native to boreal forests
Parts Used: leaves
Leaves are prepared by decoction and not infusion like most leaves; simmer a TBSP of leaves in 1C water
Tincture 2-15 drops in water, 3-4 times per day
Constituents: tannins, quinones (hydroquinone or arbutin), naphthoquinones (chimaphilin), gum resins, flavonoids (quercetin), triterpenes, methyl salicylate
Taste: bitter, how, astringent
Effects: renal antiseptic, stimulant, irritant, counterirritant
Medical Use:
Used to treat scrofula - lymphatic stagnation and inflammation and compromised lymphatic and renal function
Well suited for chronic or lingering conditions which give rise to mucus discharges
Has the ability to raise a blister (hence a counter irritant), but can also cause blisters
It warms and activates the lymphatics and kidneys, moving water in the body, and is indicated when the tongue is swollen and coated white in the middle (spleen yang deficiency - which is similar to scrofula)
Helps with congestion and stagnation of fluids, where the individual is in a sluggish condition, cold, swollen, with a buildup of fluids and waste products which may have congealed; it warms and dissolves the congealed fluids and moves the waste, and with it containing tannins it astringes tissue returning it to good tone -- dropsy remedy
Used when arthritis is accompanied with edema, it removes water pressure from the joints - there can be a pitting on the leg from edema
Contraindications: because it is a powerful stimulant it is contraindicated in acute inflammatory conditions
The fresh plant can burn the skin and mucosa
Environmental conditions, has been over harvested so one should be respectful in only using when needed, and if harvesting to only take leaves from no more than a third of the plant
History or Folklore: called rheumatism root because of its effectiveness in treating chronic rheumatism
Dosha: great eliminator of kapha
Latin Name: Agathosma Betulina
Common Name: Buchu
Family: Rutaceae
Parts Used: Leaf
Tincture: (1:5 in 60%), 1-2 ml 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1-2 tsp of dried herb and infuse for 10 minutes in a covered container, drink 3x per day
Constituents: volatile oils (limonene, menthone, pulegone), flavonoids (rutin, diosmetin, diosmin, hesperidin, quercetin, derivatives), some B vitamins, tannins, mucilage
Effects: Diuretic, urinary, antiseptic
Medical Use:
Helpful for infections in the genitourinary system such as cystitis, urethritis and prostatitis
It is healing and soothing to the eliminatory channels, therein helping it to pair well in combination with other herbs
Contraindications: the volatile oils may be too irritating for people with kidney diseases
Latin Name: Taraxecum Officinale
(1) (3)
Common Name: Dandelion
Family: Asteraceae or composite
Habitat: spring green in temperate regions
Parts Used: leaves, root, flower
Collecting: picked in the spring, and quickly turning bitter
Dandelion can harmonize formulas
Root Tincture: (1:5 in 60%), 2.5-5 ml 3x per day
Root Decoction: 2-3 tsp into 1C of water, bring to a boil and gently simmer for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Leaf Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 5-10 ml 3x per day
Leaf Infusion: pour 1 C boiling water over 1-2 tsp of dried leaf and infuse for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Eaten: raw leaf is a tasty bitter to add to salads
Constituents: flavonoids, polysaccharides, sesquiterpene lactones, triterpenes, sterols, carotenoids, potassium (up to 4.5% in the leaves), diterpenes, triterpenes
root: bitter, sweet, earthen, salty, moist, oily
leaf: bitter, earthen, salty, moist, cool
Effects: leaves particularly diuretic, root good for lowering cholesterol, flower acts more on the heart, blood purifier, alterative, reduce heat in the body, counteract toxicity, disperse swelling, cholagogue, diuretic, hepatic, antirheumatic, laxative, general and liver tonic, bitter
Medical Use:
It is indicated when heat descends deeply into the tissues, thickening fluids, slowing down drainage, inflaming deeper tissues, and even infecting the bones; typically used for conditions which develop slowly, however can be helpful in some acute cases. Used for cool excess heat and thin and disperse surplus of fluids.
Called for when there is mapped or geographic tongue -- tongue covered in white or yellow film, feels raw (as if film has burned off), comes off in patches, leaving red sensitive spots -- the tongue can be a deep red, indicating a deep internally established heat, sometimes accompanied by dark red lips which can often also be somewhat dry -- after giving dandelion tongue can turn to pink indicating that heat is coming up but that a sensitivity to heat still remains. This is looking at the tongue as an indication of ‘phlegm fire’ heat has settled down to deep locations like bones and muscles, it is breaking down fluids and surroundings while thickening fluids are preventing an escaping of the heat; with the heat unable to get out, it cooks your insides
Considered one of the finest liver remedies, enhances flow of bile and flow to the gallbladder; and used for conditions such as liver and gallbladder stasis, high cholesterol, excess urea, gout, constipation, portal stagnation, varicose veins, cellulitis, eczema, acne, and herpes
Leaf is a powerful diuretic and is used for diuresis, and when tiresome, achy, feverish, chronic infections with relief from urination -- because the leaves contain both potassium (for which it is one of the best natural sources) and sodium they act on both sides of the kidney mechanism excreting fluids and retaining specific contents -- root can have similar effects, but maybe not as quickly, and the leaf can lead to weight loss due to water removal (for that reason could be good for edema)
Can help with dullness of the mind with congestion of fluids, or swollen membranes around the sinuses, as well as manic-depression
Called for with inflamed, tight, or swollen muscles, and with rheumatoid arthritis
The root can be helpful for blood disorders , chronic jaundice, autointoxication rheumatism and chronic skin eruptions
Contraindications: can be too much of a diuretic (specifically the leaves), so should be used cautiously when this might be an issue complicating problems attempting to resolve, or if it interferes with compliance of being taken regularly
Could possibly cause a negative reaction to people sensitive to plants in the asteraceae family
Have been rare cases of contact dermatitis in people coming into contact with the latex in the stem
History or Folklore: considered a spring tonic
Latin Name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
(2) (3)
Common Name: Uva Ursi, Bearberry, Kinnikinnick
Family: Ericaceae, heath
Parts Used: leaves
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), 2-4 ml 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1-2 tsp of dried herb and infuse in a covered container for 10-15 minutes, drank 3x per day
Constituents: hydroquinones arbutin and methyl arbutin (which turn into antiseptics in water), tannins (15-20%), flavonoids (quercitrin, isoquercitrin, myricacitrin), volatile oils, iridoids, resin, ursolic, malic and gallic acids
Taste: slightly pungent, astringent
Effects: urinary antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, antimicrobial, demulcent
Medical Use:
Gives better tone to relaxed mucosa, soothing, toning and strengthening these membranes
Restrains excessive discharges from bacterial infections
Used with swollen mucus membranes (particularly in the urinary system) from the throat down to the bladder and uterus (passive menstrual bleeding), and increases tissue tone postpartum – highly recommended for bladder infections when there is green phlegmy discharges, and also used for dealing with yeast infections, particularly when there is highly acid urine; can be used as a douche
Used for painful urination as a decoction with good results, and with incontinence (and bedwetting) as it tones the walls of the bladder – as well as in conditions when there is gravel or ulcerations in the kidney or bladder
Strengthens heart muscle, reduces lower back pain, and pain from arthritis
Contraindications: can turn urine green, even though it is not a dangerous symptom
Tannins can cause constipation
Contraindicated during pregnancy
Large doses can be toxic, causing liver impairment in children
History or Folklore: the name bearberry indicates a relationship to the throat
Latin Name: Gallium
(1) (3)
Common Name: Cleavers
Family: Rubiaceae family (coffee), member of the bedstraw clan
Habitat: native to Europe and naturalized in temperate regions
Botany: has a long slender stem with little seed heads on the ends, and have been described as looking like neural connection (doctrine of signatures). The stems and seeds have little hooks that allow them to grab hold of passer-bys, hence the name cleaver
Parts Used: aerial parts
Collecting: stems should be collected in the early spring (when they still have a vanilla-like smell and flavor), and before the seeds appear
Should be preserved fresh in alcohol (brandy brings out the sweetness)
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), dose 1-3 drops, 1-3 times per day or 4-8 ml 3x per day -- may need to be taken for up to a year or longer if fibrous build ups have developed, however immediate results can be noticed
If picked for tea they must be dried immediately to prevent the flower from going to seed, and to preserve the flavor and medicinal properties
Cold Infusion: should be done in cold water all night, because hot water disperses its virtue
Hot Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 2-3 tsp of dried herb and infuse for 10-15 minutes, drank 3x per day
Roasted: ripened seeds can be roasted to make a coffee which is the genuine article
Juice: fresh plants may be juiced and drank; if frozen immediately into ice cube they can be preserved and the cubed size it typically an ideal sized dose
Constituents: flavonoids, coumarins (which give it a sweet flavor and a vanilla smell when flowering), iridoids monoterpenes (asperuloside a laxative), alkaloids, caffeine (in roasted mature seeds), tannins, coumarins
Taste: sweet, earthen, cool, moist, aromatic
Effects: lymphatic, blood thinner (coumarins), antilithic, diffusive diuretic, alterative, anti-inflammatory, lymphatic tonic
Medical Use:
Has the ability to work calcifications, concentrations, and fibrositis out of the tissues (muscles, lymph, and kidneys), and is useful in removing gravel, and dealing with nodulated growth deposits in the skin or mucous membranes
As a lymphatic tonic it works well dealing with lymphatic congestion and provides a remedy which is cooling (red root is neutral while calendula is warming); therefore it is advised when there is warmth or inflammation – helpful with swollen lymph gland located anywhere in the body
It acts on the breast tissue, on fibrous tissue, cysts, and nodular growth – as well as treating ulcers or tumors elsewhere in the body
Restores stamina after an exhausting labor – herb is beneficial to the nervous system, where it can be helpful in ‘gathering the nerves’, when an individual is scattered or there is inflammation of the nerves, and is indicated when there is oversensitivity of the nerve endings, tickling, or itching of the skin
Has been used with success in treating skin conditions where the skin is dry such as in cases of psoriasis and eczema
Helps with the body to pass catabolic wastes and relieves irritation
Contraindications: considered entirely nontoxic
Ayurvedic Considerations: when there is vata in the nerves
History or Folklore: looking at the doctrine of signatures, they look like nerves with three terminal nerve bulbs
Considered ‘deer medicine’, dear like to sleep and give birth in patches of them, because it takes away their smell
Latin Name: Angelica Archangelica (Angelica Atropurpurea - American variety)
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Common Name: Angelica, Dong Quai
Family: Apiaceae
Habitat: traditionally along the rivers and shores of northern Europe, growing in damp conditions. It has been naturalized in some places in America
Botany: root is brown furry, oily and pungent, and is light and airy containing pockets of air
Parts Used: root and leaves (medicinally) seeds and stalks they have less potency and are typically used for confectionery purposes
Collecting: Fresh roots should be quickly processed because the speed at which they can turn rancid. Roots should be cut lengthwise and dried in a heated stove, crushed and stored in airtight container, wherein they will last for 3-4 years
Freezing the seed preserves their properties, and assists in their germinations
Decoction: boiling the root produces aromatic bitters; steeping produces an anesthetic and astringent for stomach lining
Decoction: place 1 tsp of cut root in 1 C of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes, remove from heat and let stand for 15 minutes; drink 1 C 3x per day
Tincture: alcohol extracts improves the relaxing, antispasmodic properties -- extract the recently dried root in high percentage alcohol
Tincture: (1:5 in 45%), 2-5 ml taken 3x per day
Constituents: volatile oils, resin, wax, bitters, furanocoumarin glycosides, flavonoids, sugars, organic acids, phytosterols, macrocyclic lactones, phthalates, sterols
Taste: warming, pungent, bitter, sweet, salty, oily, diffusive, and stimulating
Effects: antiseptic, lymphatic, alterative, diuretic, carminative, brings air into the watery realm, astringent, tonic, vulnerary, cholagogue, anti-inflammatory
Medical Use:
Aids peripheral circulation opening the lungs and the skin, therein helping bear people who need their relaxed watery side activated; helping through drying and warming the lungs
Induce perspiration, and regulate menstruation, blood stagnation congestion, and cramping; by facilitating the lungs the blood is increasingly aerated
Stimulates the cortisol side of the adrenal cortex to increase appetite, digestion, and nutrition – the calming effects combined with an increased appetite results in it being helpful for aiding in cases of anorexia
Calms headaches and both the sympathetic (when there is nervousness affecting digestion) and the parasympathetic (when there is hot digestion but a heavy, cool damp interior) nervous system -- bitters and sugars get the appetite and secretions going, and spicy compounds stimulate circulation to the stomach and periphery which helps bring nutrition to all parts of the body
Can help rebuild fatty deposits insulating nerves, dried out joints by moving water into the cartilage, and improve circulation to hands, feet and uterus – also working to help cases of rheumatic inflammation
It makes fluids more active and breaks up excessive concentrations of water, phlegm, and blood -- so can be helpful in cases of old bronchitis where the mucus is thin and difficult to expectorate, as well as in cases of fever, cold and influenza
Leaf may be used externally as a compress in treating inflammations of the chest
Contraindications: Not to be taken during pregnancy
It can irritate the stomach and kidneys
Furanocoumarins can cause photosensitivity in sensitive individuals -- sun exposure should be limited when using angelica
Can cause there to be a change in the taste in alcohol and tobacco, so where this is a problem if you like those things, it can be used as an ally when one is trying to stop drinking or smoking
Small doses can be relaxing but excessive dosages can cause depression of the central nervous system
Claims that the fresh root is toxic, but that the poisons are dissipated by drying
Ayurvedic Considerations: helpful for Vata conditions where the individual is thin and undernourished
History or Folklore: Bears eat roots in the spring to wake up and start building their mass
It is used by shamans and is an herbs used in sweat lodges as one of the herbs placed on the hot rocks so that the vapors are able to effect the mind and imagination, the lungs and the skin
Root worn around the neck is a traditional form of protection against psychic and epidemic contagions in many traditional cultures
Latin Name: Mitchella Repens
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Common Name: Partridge Berry, Squaw Vine, Twin Berry
Family: Rubiaceae -- as well as cleavers, dyer’s madder, sweet woodruff, and coffee
Parts Used: aerial parts, berries, root bark
Infusion or tincture can be made of dried or fresh leaves
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), take 2-4 ml of extraction 1-2x/day for the sixth and seventh month of pregnancy; and slightly larger dosages in the final weeks
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1 tsp of herb and infuse for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Salve: take 2 ounces of fresh herb (if possible) and make a strong decoction in a pint of water; strain and add as much good cream as there is liquid in the decoction. Boil the whole down to the consistency of a soft salve, and when cool anoint the nipple with it every time the child is removed from the breast
Constituents: unspecified alkaloids, saponins, glycosides, tannins, mucilages
Taste: slightly sweet
Effects: parturient, emmenagogue, diuretic, uterine tonic, astringent
Medical Use:
Among one of the best remedies for preparing the mother’s uterus for childbirth – for which it should start to be taken a few weeks prior to the child birth
Has an influence on menstruation, infertility, and pregnancy, and is used by some cultures to better help a young woman to understand her husband
Helps the nervous system assume a tranquil condition, reflex systems abate, the urinary function is performed normally helping bladder irritation), and the bowels become regular (reducing diarrhea)
Hot infusion of the bark of a fresh root given occasionally through some tedious aggravating labors can work wonders
Seem likely to be a remedy for progesterone deficiency – is highly recommended as a cure for sore nipples
Very effective for many issues related to women's reproduction
For males with spermatorrhea -- with althaea, celastrus, and uva ursi
Aids with muscle spasms, varicose veins, wounds, and treating the skin
Its astringent properties are very helpful in treating colitis, especially when there is mucus
Ayurvedic Considerations: Suited to vata woman who are thin angular, often athletic (dancers and gymnasts), tall, are too much in their minds, want to have a baby later in life, and have irregular cycles
History or Folklore: liked by birds, particularly crows, which has lead to it being considered crow medicine
Latin Name: Rubus Idaeus (Canadensis), Rubus Strigosus
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Common Name: Red Raspberry
Family: Rosaceae
Parts Used: leaves, fruit
Leaves can be used fresh or dry (see contraindications) to make infusion of tincture
Strong decoction of equal parts flax seeds, raspberry leaves, and poplar bark -- 4oz. taken every hour till bowels open up and constipation is resolved
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 2-4 ml taken 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C boiling water over 2 tsp of dried herb and infuse for 10-15 minutes; this may be drank freely
Constituents: tannins, flavonoids glycosides of kaempferol and quercetin), mucilage, fruit sugars, pectin, volatile oils, minerals, malic acid
Taste: sweet, astringent, slightly sour
Effects: Astringent (milder than blackberry leaf or root bark), tonic for relaxed tissue, parturient
Medical Use:
Tonifies and strengthens the intestines and uterus; is used as a tissue and uterine tonic for pregnancy as it nourishes the mother and child while also preventing morning sickness, makes delivery more rapid, and prevents tearing of the cervix, as well as for postpartum pains, and to enrich milk and reduce breast discomfort during lactation
A remedy for sterility in males and females
Aid to treating recent diarrhea -- and also in treating chronic constipation
Astringent tonic for the eyes – also helps mouth problem; such as aphthous, ulcers, bleeding gums, and inflammations, and is used as a gargle as an effective treatment for sore throats
Helps with allergies and influenza where there is a lot of clear mucus discharge from the upper respiratory tract -- and is also helpful when flu result in GI problems
Fruit nourishes the blood
Contraindications: use fresh or dry leaves, but not in between because they are somewhat toxic during the drying stage
Latin Name: Salvia Officinalis
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Common Name: Sage
Family: Lamiaceae, mint
Habitat: native to Mediterranean regions
Parts Used: leaves
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 2-4 ml 3x per day
Infusion: see below as the hot/cold/lukewarm teas have differing effect respectively
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1-2 tsp of leaf and infuse in a covered container for 10 minutes, drank 3x per day
Mouthwash: place 2 tsp of leaf in 2 C of water, bring to a boil, take of the heat and let stand covered for 15 minutes; gargle deeply with the hot infusion several times per day
Constituents: volatile oils (including thujone), tannins, diterpene bitters, flavonoids, phenolic acids, salviatannin
Taste: astringent, oily, pungent, warm
Effects: slightly warming, astringent, aromatic, appetite suppressant, dis-aphrodisiac, carminative, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory
Medical Use:
It acts on three tissue conditions: relaxation, atrophy and depression
Hot tea brings out the aromatic and is useful as a stimulant to sweating, salivation and internal secretion -- cold tea will decrease secretions including sweating, salivation, mucus production in the mouth, throat and lungs, lactation and for curbing milk production -- lukewarm tea is bacteriostatic and astringent and beneficial for sore throats
Used in cooking with fatty food, typically meats, because it contains bitters and oils which help stimulate the gallbladder increasing the release of bile, therein improving digestion and the absorption of fats and oils -- while at the same time the increased bile better facilitates eliminative functions of the bowels
Helps when the skin and tendons are dry and withered, hair loss and during menopause/post-menopause as hormones levels transition and there is seen to be drying out – also helpful in decreasing milk production and stimulating the muscles of the uterus, therefore it is not recommended while pregnant
In people who have a difficult time sweating it will help them to sweat, in people who sweat too much it will act as an antiperspirant
Beneficial for mouth problems, helping gums, canker sores, sore throats it is highly recommended (with honey and lemon it is delicious and also helps when there is a little fever accompanied by a sore throat), swollen glands, and hoarseness – can be used as a mouthwash or as a gargle
Helps with convulsions and shaking, and can serve to preserve the nervous system when it is under stress -- however large or prolonged usage can cause convulsions
It is able to thin the blood and removed coagulated blood -- reduces clotting without releasing dangerous clots that would potentially cause heart attacks, strokes, or thrombosis
Used as a compress it is helpful in promoting the healing of wounds
Contraindications: not recommended for prolonged dosage -- longer than three weeks
Sage is not appropriate in active, excited conditions
Not recommended while pregnant due to stimulating the muscles of the uterus
History or Folklore: many sages have the same properties, while white sage is more stimulating and warming, it is less astringent
Latin Name: Cimicifuga Racemosa
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Common Name: Black Cohosh
Family: Ranunculaceae, buttercup
Habitat: native to rich forest floors in North America
Botany: The roots are black and interwoven like a den of snakes, and when ripened the stalk looks like a snake or spine
Parts Used: dried roots and rhizome
Collecting: the root is best used fresh
Fresh root in alcohol; tincture (1:5 in 60%), 1-3 drop is often sufficient, but some people use as much as 10-25 drops; some recommendations are for 1-2 tsp of tincture every 3 hours for rheumatism – it is always recommended to start low and test to identify if a low dose is sufficient before increasing amount
Should be given to the extent of producing cerebral symptoms – feeling a weight and fullness in the head, possibly with a headache, which can also be accompanied with a sickness of the stomach
Decoction: pour 1 C of water over ½-1 tsp of dried root , bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes; drink 3x per day
Constituents: phytoestrogens, triterpene glycosides, isoferulic acid, salicylic acid, volatile oil, tannins
Taste: sweet, slightly acrid
Effects: emmenagogue, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, alterative, nervine, hypotensive
Medical Use:
Can be helpful with estrogen deficiency conditions such as: dryness, amenorrhea, premature aging, menopause
Can be useful to both generate fluids, and unbind or un-stagnate them, so that there is a more normalized flow of fluids in the individual; especially the cerebrospinal fluids surrounding the nerves – therefore being a relaxing nervine it is indicated in nervousness, spasms, convulsions, cramps, back pain and spinal injury; also helping in cases of tinnitus
Useful for psychological imbalance where the individual is very brooding, withdrawn, or melancholic (especially before the onset of the flow – this can give relief) and those who are quite psychic and aware of psychological and sexual energy – have often suffered from abusive, possessive, and manipulative relationships
Is a very helpful relaxant and normalize of the female reproductive system – effective in treating painful or delayed menstruation, and for relieving cramping pains in the womb and craps associated with ovulation; as well as treating menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, headache, vertigo, heart palpitation, and a range of psychological symptoms
Can help bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, whooping cough or a stuffy chest
Works well to relieve rheumatic and arthritis pain
In small doses the appetite and digestion are improved, in large doses it augments the secretions of the GI tract
Contraindications: Can bring on fibromyalgia pains (rheumatism)
Moderate to large doses can cause mild unpleasantness and cramping
Do not use in early pregnancy due to being an emmenagogue – however it is sometimes used while birthing
Ayurvedic Considerations: useful with vata imbalances – but can also be very heating
History or Folklore: the word ‘cohosh’ may indicate a female remedy in an Algonquian language, relating to its other name ‘Squaw Root’
Good for snake bites, and is also called ‘Black Snake Root’
The black cohosh woman is sometimes dark and mysterious
Latin Name: Viburnum Prunifolium
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Common Name: Black Haw
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Viburnum related to Cramp Bark, but is more rounded and has more tonifying properties
Habitat: native to the lower midwest and upper south
Botany: bark is thick and reddish/chestnut in color
Parts Used: bark of stems or trunk
Tincture: (1:5 in 60%), 5-10 ml taken 3x per day; or 10-20 drops in 4 oz of water
Decoction: put 2 tsp of dried herb in 1 C of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes; this should be drank 3x per day
Constituents: coumarins, phenolic acids (including salicin), flavonoids, triterpenes, biflavones
Taste: sweet, slightly acrid, astringent
Effects: relaxant, nutritive tonic, antispasmodic, uterine sedative, antiseptic, nervine, hypotensive, astringent
Medical Use:
Very tonifying in that it helps improve the digestion, intestinal tract and nutrition in the body; especially in females by supplying nutrition to the womb and ovaries, and to that effect it is helpful for dysmenorrheal, particularly when there are cramps
Is a help to women who are delicate, weak, sensitive in their digestion, circulation and nervous system; specifically it works as a uterine relaxant, and can be used in aiding with false labor pains and with preventing threatened miscarriages and post partum pains, as well as morning sickness and cramps during pregnancy
Works well on the nerves by soothing them – with effects conveyed well to the uterus and appendages
It has an influence on the heart, lowering arterial pressure to a marked degree, as well as relaxing peripheral blood vessels
Helps in cases of asthma due to antispasmodic properties
Useful for dealing with cramps, particularly those of the legs
Contraindications: too much can influence the motion side of nerves and cause progressive muscular weakness, loss of reflex action, and ultimately paralysis
The berries have caused nausea in some people
Ayurvedic Considerations: for woman with vata conditions of the digestion, nerves, and circulation
History or Folklore: used to prevent miscarriages
Its red color suggests for its blood building properties; the branches reach out in the forest in a protective manner, yet the flowers on the tips are delicate, like baby’s breath showing its purity and delicateness
Latin Name: Juglans Nigra
Common Name: Black Walnut
Parts Used: leaves, hulls, bark
Collecting: can use green unripened hulls, or black ripened husks
TIncture: 1-3 drops 1-3x per day
Has a synergistic response with Chondrus Crispus (Irish Moss); used by itself it is suggested to be half as effective as when used in combination with other herbs
Tincture of black hulls (about 30 drops) into a cup of boiling water with ¼ TSP of salt ran through the sinus passages with a neti pot has great results with sinus problems
Constituents: potassium iodine (iodine in the hulls – which points to work on the thyroid, and is more healing and antiseptic then the usual poisonous iodine)
Inner bark: potassium sulphate (fibrin solvent), magnesium sulphate (muscle and nerve nutrient), silica (food for hair, nails, skin and nerve sheath
Taste: fragrant bitter, astringent
Leaves: astringent, muscular and tube tonic
Hulls: antiseptic, germicidal, vermicide, parasiticide
Bark: laxative and purgative (depending on dosage), colonic, cathartic
Medical Use:
Can help tone the arteries and blood vessels, clean fat out of the arteries, and aid an enlarged heart (compressing tissue helps improve blood vessel tone), and treat bad blood (often caused by toxemia)
Helpful for inflammation conditions of the mucous membranes, vessels, skin, throat, intestines and organs, and for treating diarrhea
Antiseptic properties of the hulls can be useful for cuts and infections, and in treating sinusitis (which can often be due to a fungal infection in the upper respiratory tract)
Use of the bark can be helpful for both leaky bowel syndrome or dysbiosis and malabsorption due to a closed gut – helps the assimilation of nutrients, especially fats and proteins while reducing unhealthy fatty acids in the blood stream – helping to tone the vascular system and the heart
It is a useful thyroid medication for treating hyperthyroidism, with the black hulls (often combined with chickweed) being a good remedy for goiter
Contraindications: handle hulls with gloves because it will stain your hands
History or Folklore: an old thought was that a healthy thyroid disperses a small amount of iodine into the carotids, which happen to run by the thyroid, and that the antiseptic powers of the iodine helps keep the blood going to the brain clean and pure – which is important for countless reasons, particularly in that the hypothalamus can be confused by dirty blood making it unable to read the hormonal feedback signals correctly which prevents it from sending out good hormonal advise
Latin Name: Dioscorea Villosa
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Common Name: Wild Yam
Family: Dioscoreaceae, cousin of the cultivated yam
Habitat: Grows prolifically in the midwest in brushy areas often where timber has been harvested or where pastures are converting into brush
Botany: bone-white rhizome which lends to one of its names ‘devil’s bones’, which crisscross like rabbit trails
Parts Used: rhizome, dried underground parts
Collecting: roots are harvested during the summer or fall
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%) of fresh root 1-10 drops 1-3x per day, or 2-4 ml taken 3x per day
Decoction: root that has been dried at least a year simmered for 10-20 minutes, drank 3x per day
When cooked for about an hour it starts to turn red which points to it working with the blood
Constituents: steroidal saponins (used in the manufacturing of steroids, and where it was thought to be converted into progesterone, contemporary research does not think the sex hormones to be converted from the sapogenins), diosgenin (dioscin and dioscorin)
Taste: sweet, earthen, acrid, moist
Effects: antispasmodic, relaxant, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antirheumatic, hepatic, cholagogue
Medical Use:
Has been used for treating gallstones
Useful in treating cholera
Can help irritated stomach and intestines (stomach griping, intestinal colic, uterine and ovarian pains) – nausea during pregnancy (however note that it was also used for birth control for woman)
Can be of use to irritated mucous tissues
Contraindications: Large dosage may cause vomiting and psychological upset
History or Folklore: rabbit medicine – a nutritive tonic that builds up calcium to support bones and calm muscle spasms; rabbits are thin boned with twitchy muscles, so this root is perfect for them
Dosha: for vata conditions
Latin Name: Vitex Agnus-Castus
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Common Name: Chaste berry, chaste tree, monk’s pepper
Family: Verbenaceae, a cousin of vervain
Habitat: a shrub native to the Mediterranean region
Botany: it is a five-finger plant
Parts Used: fruit (berry)
Seeds yield a spicy preparation in alcohol; dose 15 drops 2x/day
Tincture: (1:5 in 60%), 2.5 ml taken 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1 tsp of berries and infuse for 10-15 minutes, this should be drank 3x per day
Constituents: volatile oils, iridoid glycosides, bitters, labdane diterpenes, bornyl acetate, flavonoids
Taste: pungent, warm, diffusive
Effects: Hormonal normalizer, decreases libido, galactagogue (increases lactation), uterine tonic
Medical Use:
Can decrease estrogen and increase progesterone
Advised during puberty to help over-sexed males calm a bit, and for helping to regulate and normalize the cycles of teenage girls – also, it not only eases the symptoms of PMS but over time may actually cure the disorder through the adjustment of overly high levels of estrogen – – seen to also help in addressing issues around acne in teenagers
Believed to contain a substance which binds with dopamine in the pituitary therein stimulating and normalizing the pituitary gland function
An herb for people caught between the material and the spiritual worlds – striving for spirit but not yet there; to help them when the path seems to be getting difficult
For (older) adults it can have a stimulating effect on their sex drive; bringing back some fire and spice into one’s life
Can be used for hysteria, nervousness, and hyperactivity (ADHD – is addressed through the stimulation of the pituitary which normalizes the energy of the body), insomnia, and when there is a feeling of ‘being hunted’, or that ‘something is after you’
Has a sexually normalizing effect wherein it is able to make increases in instances of deficiencies and decreases in instances of excess – helps things get back to balance
It can be helpful for woman to take following the discontinuation of oral contraceptives to aid the body regain a natural balance
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Latin Name: Serenoa Repens
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Common Name: Saw Palmetto, Sabal Serrulata
Family: Arecaceae, palm
Habitat: native to Florida
Parts Used: fruit (berries)
Tincture: (1:5 in 60%), 1-2 ml taken 3x per day, or 10-30 drops in water 3x per day
Decoction: place 2-4 tsp of berries in 1 C of water, bring to a boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes; this should be drank 3x per day
Constituents: Steroidal saponins (which build up the steroidal tone of the adrenal cortex and the gonads)(these give it an unpleasant soapy taste), flavonoids, fatty acids – (including capric, caprylic, palmitic, oleic), volatile oils, polysaccharides, resin
Taste: sweet, soapy, moist
Effects: female tonic (has helped enlarge breasts in thin woman), nutritive tonic, sexual tonic, sedative, digestive stimulant, diuretic, urinary antiseptic, endocrine agent
Medical Use:
Helps relieve irritability in the entire nervous system, with a beneficial focus on the reproductive organs, serving as a nutritive tonic – has been known to enlarge breasts and increase the secreting power of the mammary glands, as well as having a positive influence in conditions of sterility where there are no organic lesions
Works well to reduce swelling of the prostate therein bringing aid to troubles with urinating in men – inhibits the formation of DHT(dihydrotestosterone), the compound thought responsible for the multiplication of prostate cells that result in prostate enlargement
Works to stimulate digestion, improve appetite and aid assimilation – the improvement of nutrition helps rebuild the adrenocortical base, which calms down the nervousness and hyper-adrenalism
Helps to decrease atrophy and dryness and therein decreases heat and irritation
Useful in treating conditions which irritate the nose, throat, and larynx
Latin Name: Capsella Bursa-Pastoris
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Common Name: Shepherd's Purse
Family: Brassicaceae, member of the mustard family
Habitat: native to Europe but naturalized throughout temperate regions
Botany: ripe seed pods looks like a shepherd's purse (male goat reproductive source)
Parts Used: aerial parts of the plant, or the entire plant including the roots
Collecting: Has a urinous or seaweedy smell. Picked at flowering in the spring and prepared fresh in alcohol
Fresh plant placed in alcohol (drying is claimed to lose its hemostatic properties
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), 1-2 ml taken 3x per day
Infusion: 1-2 tsp of dried herb with 1 C of boiling water poured over and let to infuse for 10-15 minutes – for menstrual conditions, a cup should be drank every 2-3 hours; otherwise, it should be drank 3x per day
Constituents: flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin A, K, C, potassium, amino acids, volatile oils (camphor), plant acids (fumaric and bursic acids), oxalic acid
Taste: pungent, salty, diffusive
Effects: drying, astringent, cools and repressed inflammation, stimulant (to remove toxic matter), diuretic, anti-inflammatory
Medical Use:
It stops all bleeding weather internally (spitting, vomiting, urinating (with sand or stones) or overflow of afterbirth) or externally (especially for wounds of the head)
Heals green wounds (closes their lips), and working when the blood is dark and oozing and a stimulant is needed (stimulants increase circulation to the extremities which can soak up 20x their normal content of blood, thus taking it away from the wound) -- contrasting with the hemostatic effects of yarrow
Can be useful with mattering or running ears, diarrhea (chronic), and fever (not intermittent)
When muscle tone is poor (like when the uterus does not expel blood quickly – and sits and clots), and is said to make the uterus fell like it is lifted into the appropriate position, and for fibroids
Works well for women who are high-strung, ambitious, and do too much work or are possibly anxious – and has shown some good results with males as well (and for girls who looking to get out into the world are, passing large amount of clear, limpid urine, free of albumin)
Helps with sluggish kidney or bladder function, or when water is being retained in the kidneys
Can be used for rheumatism, gout, hernia, varicose veins – can also be applied externally for bruised muscles
May help to stimulate the menstrual process as well as reduce excessive menstrual flow
Contraindications: large and persistent dosages can cause heart palpitations
Not to be used during pregnancy
Depresses thyroid function
Caution should be taken for individuals with kidney stones because of its oxalic acid content
Ayurvedic Considerations: for vata constitutions of the mind
Latin Name: Viburnum Trilobum (American), Viburnum Opulus (European – Guelder Rose)
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Common Name: Cramp Bark
Family: Caprifoliaceae, honeysuckle family which is typically cooling
Habitat: the American variety is more sour and native to low grounds, whereas the European is more acrid and has been used as an ornamental and naturalized in the uplands of North America
Bark tinctured fresh yields the best preparation; dosages can be small or large
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 4-8 ml taken 3x per day
Decoction: place 2 tsp of dried herb into a cup of water, bring to a boil and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes; this should be drank hot 3x per day
Constituents: hydroquinones, coumarins, tannins, valerianic acid (a parasympathetic relaxant)
Taste: sour, acrid, cool
Effects: relaxant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, nervine, hypotensive, astringent, emmenagogue, cerebrospinal vaso stimulant
Medical Use:
Can be helpful for treating muscle cramping, particularly uterine, smooth muscle cramping, and spasms of tubular organs, often when there is heat and irritation
Acting as a uterine relaxant it has been used to protect against threatened miscarriages
It can be a helpful astringent for the treatment of excessive menstrual blood loss
May help in the restoration of sympathetic/parasympathetic balance
Ayurvedic Considerations: Can help with vata in the GI
History or Folklore: Used by indigenous peoples for menstrual cramping
It is a unique plant in its ability to combine sour and acrid flavors to fight heat and tension – can help with nervous indigestion
Valued in relieving spasmodic pains of the womb and ovaries, working upon the entire pelvic viscera – can also be helpful for vomiting and irritation during pregnancy, and to prevent abortions from nervous irritation
-can be helpful during delivery with erratic pains, and after delivery if pain is severe
The herb has an affinity to the kidneys; and is indicated when there is pain, weakness, stiffness or soreness in the lower back – strengthening weak kidneys and improving their pumping action if there is insufficient removal of waste and retention of minerals – also working to help balance pH
The berries are used in Russia for high blood pressure and heart disease
Latin Name: Symphytum Officinale
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Common Name: Comfrey
Family: Boraginaceae
Parts Used: roots, rhizomes, leaves
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), 2-4 ml taken 3x per day
Decoction: place 1-3 tsp of dried herb in 1 C of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Cold Infusion: pour 1 C of cold water over 2 tsp of root and let stand for 6-8 hours
Constituents: allantoin (a cell proliferant great for wound healing), pyrrolizidine alkaloids (but may not be present in the dried herb), mucilage (about 29%) composed of a polysaccharide containing glucose and fructose, tannins, steroidal saponins, resins, volatile oils, gums, triterpenes, phenolic acids (rosmarinic, chlorogenic, caffeic, lithospermic), choline, asparagine
Taste: astringent, slightly bitter, mucilaginous, cold, damp
Effects: Vulnerary, demulcent, anti-inflammatory, astringent, expectorant
Medical Use:
Stimulates growth when the system has been traumatized and is having trouble regenerating on its own – excellent in delayed bone healing, used for abrasions, and injuries to the skin and mucosa; working as a tonic on the surface of the body
Applied externally it can speed wound healing and help foster scar formation, but for deep wounds there should be some caution because the tissue can form over the wound before there has been healing deeper down, this can result in the formation of an abscess
Also acts to draw stagnant or toxic material out of the body when applied topically to joints, muscles, or tendons, and increases the circulation in those areas – as an astringent it is useful in the treatment of hemorrhages
The combination of wound healing with the demulcent nature of the roots results in it being very helpful in healing gastric and duodenal ulcers, hiatal hernias, and ulcerative colitis – as well as showing good effects with bronchitis and irritated coughs, it soothes and helps promote expectoration
It causes growth ‘from the top down’ like goldenseal, rather than from the inside up like yarrow, plantain, calendula, boneset, and St. John’s wort
Flower essence is beneficial to repattern the brain as with insomnia, epilepsy, or autism
Contraindications: the alkaloid pyrrolizidine (the roots contain more than the leaves) has been seen to be hurtful to the liver, however certain parts are not as troublesome and externally use is safe – so some caution should be considered with the consumption of large doses of the herb or consumption for extended periods of time
Can cause overgrowth on bones or calluses on the skin, so do not use for bones until they are set in the right place
Not to be used during a normal healthy puberty
Latin Name: Piper Methisticum
Common Name: Kava
Family: Piperaceae
Parts Used: rhizome
Dosage depends on the concentration of kavalactones in the herb which is being used – recommended preparation equivalent to 60-120 mg of kavalactones taken 3x per day
Constituents: kavalactones (3.5-15% of root by dry weight), methysticin, dihydromethysticin, kavain, dihydrokavain, chalcones
Effects: relaxing nervine, hypnotic, antispasmodic, local anesthetic, antifungal, antidepressant, muscle relaxant
Medical Use:
Used effectively for helping reduce anxiety, while not decreasing alertness and reaction times, but actually improving concentration
Good for treating skeletal muscle spasms and tension
Useful as a hypnotic in conditions of mild insomnia
Its local anesthetic effects work well on mucus membranes and is helpful in bringing aid for pain experienced around oral conditions
Contraindications: long term or consumption of daily high quantities has been linked to an ichthyosiform skin rash characterized by non-inflammatory dryness and scaling of the skin – these conditions reversed upon discontinuing the consumption of kava
Latin Name: Polygonatum Ssp
Common Name: Solomon's Seal
Family: Lily
Botany: has white/yellowish rhizomes that look like bones and vertebrates, and leaves wrapping around the stalk that look like tendons and ligaments wrapping around bones; and with a sigil like seal around where the stalk raises up
Collecting: rhizomes are collected in the fall and extracted fresh in alcohol (but must use a high proof alcohol) or dried for decoction
Internal or external usage can range from small to large
Constituents: mucilage, oligopolysaccharides, cardiac glycosides (like in lily of the valley, but there are not enough to make the plant toxic)
Taste: sweet, slightly acrid, cool, moist
Effects: nutritive for tendons and joints, demulcent, sexual tonic, lubricant
Medical Use:
Very useful for muscular and skeletal issues; it can adjust the tension on the tendons and ligaments. It also lubricates muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments – for which tincture used externally can be helpful (cracking joints) – and has even been used to reduce or eliminate bone spurs
Can be helpful when there is inflammation in the intestines; and the demulcent effects may also sooth irritation in the lungs, GI tract, and the female system
Is a sexual tonic for men and woman, but works well for woman after birth particularly in the case of uterine prolapse
Helps calm the mind therein bringing a balance to the pulse and the blood pressure
Can be effectively used for dry throat, thirst, and cough due to dry lungs
Helps protect the liver, and reduce blood sugar levels and blood fat
History or Folklore: Have been used for food and medicine
Doctrine of signatures point towards it being good for strengthening bones, marrow and tendons
TCM classifies it as sweet neutral yin tonic (builds semen)
Latin Name: Arnica Montana
Common Name: Arnica
Family: Asteraceae
Parts Used: flower head
Not recommended to be taken internally unless prepared through a homeopathic preparation
Pour 1 pint (.5 liter) of 70% alcohol over 2 ounces (50g.) of flowers and seal in a glass container for at least a week. Filter and store in a sealed glass container out of sunlight; use as needed
Constituents: sesquiterpene lactones, flavonoids, volatile oil, phenolic acids, coumarins, resins, bitters, tannins, carotenes
Effects: anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, immunostimulant
Medical Use:
Excellent when used externally for treating bruises and sprains and to help relieve pain and inflammation – but not recommended when the skin is broken
Useful in aiding phlebitis, rheumatism and similar conditions
Contraindications: Should not be taken internally as it is potentially toxic due to some of its sesquiterpene lactones, this is either orally or applied externally to open wounds
Can result in rash or skin sensitivity in some people
Latin Name: Stellaria Media
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Common Name: Chickweed
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Botany: has a square stem which is hairy along only one of the sides
Habitat: like shady spots in yards and wooded areas, often around the bottom of trees
Parts Used: aerial parts
Best when herb is used fresh
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 2 tsp of herb and infuse for 5 minutes, drink 3x per day
Juice: can be placed into a blender and added to other fresh fruit or veggie juices
Constituents: saponin glycosides, coumarins and hydro-coumarins, flavonoids, carboxylic acids, triterpenoids, vitamin C
Taste: moist, cool
Effects: antirheumatic, vulnerary, emollient
Medical Use:
It is a gentle lubricating, nourishing, nutritive (helping to assimilate nutrients), cooling antifebrile
Applied externally as a poultice for rashes, boils, and outbreaks of eczema for its cooling and cleansing properties; as well as for cuts and wounds – bruised fresh leaves can be applied directly to the treated area with beneficial results; should be changed 2 or 3 times a day
Good for any form of internal inflammation due to being a cooling diuretic
Works to subdue heat, lubricate dryness, regulate water levels, and drive off excess dampness and fats – stimulating both catabolism and anabolism sides of metabolism
Can help with long term losing of fat deposits
Is effective acting on the waters of the body; decongesting the lymphatics and clearing waters through the kidneys, and driving off pockets of water in the lungs and elsewhere
A strong infusion may be added to bathwater to help ease cases of itching
History or Folklore: Chickens love it and it makes them very healthy
The hairiness of the leaves indicates that it preserves water
Latin Name: Scrophularia Nodosa [Ranunculus Ficaria]
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Common Name: Figwort
Family: Scrophulariaceae, buttercup
Habitat: Prefers moist’ soils and can tolerate shade
Botany: it has yellow flowers which appear in the spring blossoming between February and May, and resemble the sun
Parts Used: tubers (which resemble figs – or hemorrhoids), aerial parts
Collecting: in the spring when in flower
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 2-4 ml taken 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1-3 tsp of dried leaf and infuse for 10-15 minutes; drink 3x per day
Constituents: iridoids, flavonoids (diosmin, diosmetin, acacetin, rhamnoside, hesperidin), phenolic acids (ferulic, isoferulic, p-coumaric, caffeic, vanillic, chlorogenic acids)
Taste: astringent, salty
Can help with swollen glands by working to move fluids
Effects: alterative, diuretic, laxative, cardiac stimulant
Medical Use:
It works effectively as an alterative (and mild laxative, purgative and diuretic) bringing inner cleanliness to the body – widely used for the treatment of skin problems such as irritation, rashes and eczema; with a healthy inside the skin is able to be brought into a state of better health
Can aid in constipation due to being a mild laxative
Ayurvedic Considerations: because of its heart stimulating properties it should be avoided by people with abnormally rapid heartbeats
May potentiate the effects of cardiac glycosides
History or Folklore: doctrine of signatures suggest they are useful for hemorrhoids
Latin Name: Curcuma Longa
Common Name: Turmeric
Parts Used: rhizome
1 TSP of powder blended with water
Constituents: curcumioiods (antineoplastics, cholagogue, antioxidant), fixed oils, volatile oils, vitamin C, potassium, sesquiterpene ketones
Taste: pungent, bitter, warm, stimulating
Effects: stimulant (on liver, gallbladder, and digestion), carminative
Medical Use:
Works to purify blood (catabolic) and stimulates bile production (anabolic)
Rebuilds damaged hepatic tissues
Helps skin conditions associated with impure or coagulated blood, and depressed circulation – this effect on circulation can serve to promote uterine inertia andmenses
Can cause contraction of the gallbladder which can help remove gallstones
Latin Name: Calendula Officinalis
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Common Name: Calendula, marigold
Family: Asteraceae, composite family
Habitat: native to Europe but naturalized many places, and in mild climates is can bloom throughout the year.
Botany: grown for its beautiful orange flowers
Parts Used: petals, flower heads and leaves
Collecting: flowers can be harvested throughout the year
Flowers are dried because the fresh flowers are too watery
Can be applied externally as a lotion, poultice or compress depending on what is most appropriate
Tincture: (1:5 in 60%), 1-4ml taken 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1-2 tsp of flowers and infuse for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Constituents: flavonoids (isoquercitrin, rutin, narcissin) polysaccharides, bitters (triterpene glycosides), resins, volatile oils, minerals (iodine), triterpenes, chlorogenic acids
Taste: bitter, warm, salty, sweet, resinous, astringent
Effects: immune stimulant, diaphoretic, both drying and moistening (in different situations), emollient, immune tonic, emmenagogue, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, lymphatic, astringent, vulnerary, cholagogue, anti-fungal
Externally used: antiseptic, bacteriostatic, hemostatic
Medical Use:
Can be used as a topical dressing for wounds, sores, insect bites, burns, sunburns, sore nipples, diaper rash and infections – it improves internal drainage from purulent wounds; showing its affinity to the lymphatic system and the veins – and can reduce the production of pus and inflammation so the body may heal at its own pace (especially when there is no vent), keeping wounds from hardening and forming scars
It helps to cleans lymph glands and ducts, and resolve stagnation therein
Can work to lower high enzyme counts from damaged liver, stimulating the liver and gallbladder
Soothing anti-inflammatory for the digestive system, digestive mucosa and other mucous membranes, and aids in bringing about periods and relieving dysmenorrheal, and considered an overall normalizer of the menstrual process
It warms the stomach, driving heat to the periphery and can cause sweating in fever – help with deep fever as when the bones hurt, like with flu
Tonic to prevent sickness in the winter (its ability to reduce inflammation might also be beneficial in the season of overeating) – with its heating bringing impurities to the surface
Working as a cholagogue it helps relieve gallbladder problems and digestive complaints often regarded as indigestion
May be used as an antifungal used both internally and externally
Contraindications: may result in reactions for individuals with sensitivities to members of the asteraceae family
History or Folklore: it is suited for places where the sun doesn’t shine, such as the neck, breasts and groin.
Long used as a food and generally regarded as safe
Latin Name: Salix Nigra (Alba)
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Common Name: Black Willow (White Willow)
Family: Salicaceae
Habitat: American willow that likes to have its feet near water
The effectiveness of the bark is reported to increase when powdered and then burned
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), 10 drop or 3-6ml taken 3x per day
Decoction: place 1-2 tsp of dried bark in 1 C of water, bring to a boil and simmer with 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Constituents: phenolic glycosides (salicin, salicylic acid [active ingredient in aspirin]), tannins, catechin, p-coumaric acid, flavonoids
Taste: bitter, dry, astringent
Effects: sexual tonic, analgesic, nerve sedative, anti-inflammatory, tonic
Medical Use:
Used for treating headaches, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, rashes, aches, pains and fever – because of the naturally balanced composition of the ingredients the salicylates in combination due not result in upsetting or irritating the stomach
Can help with nervous disorders, impotence, ovarian pain around menses
History or Folklore: nurserymen used cuttings as they contain a hormone which stimulates rooting in other plants, a cold water infusion would be made, and cutting would be placed into the infusion as a means to stimulate a rooting response
Latin Name: Quercus Alba
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Common Name: White Oak
Family: Fagaceae
Parts Used: inner bark
Collecting: inner bark is collected in the late winter and early spring
Fresh bark can be made into tincture with alcohol or it can be preserved in vinegar. The bark can also be dried so as to be used in decoctions
Tincture: (1:5 in 60%), 1-2 ml taken 3x per day
Decoction: place 1 tsp of bark in 1 C of water, bring to a boil and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes and drank 3x per day
Constituents: tannins, saponins, minerals, gallic acid
Taste: astringent
Effects: astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic
Medical Use:
Well suited for cases where there is tissue relaxation, loss of tone, prolapsed, outflow of fluids, swelling, purification, and loss of minerals – weakness or loss of vigor in the sinuses, gums, stomach, intestines and the circulatory system as shown with varicose veins
As an astringent it is helpful in cases of diarrhea or dysentery – however the potency of its astringent effects are such that it can at times be overwhelming in some situations; therefore it is advised to use at the onset taken in small frequent doses
The decoction is a useful gargle for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis – may also be used as an enema for treating hemorrhoids or as a douche for leukorrhea
Is effective is dealing with swollen glands and helping get the lymph flowing properly
Can be helpful with weakened spleen or kidneys where there is a weakening low temperature and a loss of clear fluids and minerals
Seems to have a beneficial calcifying effect, putting calcium into bones, teeth, connective tissues, and cartilage – which can also be good in treating early TB because the body fights it by enclosing the bacteria in a calcified cell
Used topically, a poultice of decocted powdered oak bark is effective in treating condition of gangrene
Can be helpful in psychological conditions where one is getting worn down due to not giving up but continuing to fight unwinnable fights; oak helps to re-shift the focus more into directions where the individual is able to realize success
Contraindications: too much can be too puckering
History or Folklore: considered the ‘model astringent’
Acorns were thought to be a wonderful medicine for fat people; they dried up watery humors, aids the sluggishness of the system, and reduces surplus flesh, as well as helping to bring high blood pressure down to normal
Latin Name: Filipendula Ulmaria
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Common Name: Meadowsweet
Family: Rosaceae, (rose)
Parts Used: aerial parts
Tincture: (1:5 in 45%), 2-4 ml taken 3X per day
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1-2 tsp of dried herb and infuse in a covered container for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Constituents: salicylates, flavonol glycosides (spiraeoside, rutin, hyperin, kaempferol glucoside), volatile oils, tannins, polyphenolics, phenylcarboxylic acids, coumarin, vitamin C
Taste: bitter, astringent, cooling, dry
Effects: antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, antacid, antiemetic, astringent
Medical Use:
Acts as a normalizer for poorly functioning stomachs working as one of the best digestive remedies, through soothing the mucous membranes and helping to regulate acidity and rectify alkalinity – relieving sour belching, nausea, sickness, swelling, or vomiting after meals
Taken as a strong tea every few hours is beneficial in cases of fever (salicylates)
Good at the removal of uric acid deposits (working on acute and chronic forms of rheumatism), and is helpful in almost all infections of the kidneys and bladder
Restores the action of the liver, kidneys, bladder, and tones the digestive organs – strengthens the nerves and muscles and restores health and strength
Being a gentle astringent it is helpful for children’s diarrhea
Contraindications: should be avoided by individuals with salicylate sensitivity
Latin Name: Achillea Millefolium
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Common Name: Yarrow
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: native to Europe and Asia, with interchangeable relative native throughout the northern hemisphere
Parts Used: leaves, flowers, and roots
A hot cup of tea will open the skin; however, cool cup will stimulate the stomach, digestion and kidneys – different constituents come out at different temperatures so used hot/cold or fresh/dry it is able to give use a varying profile of appearances – additionally, the soil and exposure to the sun can affects the properties within the plant
Infusion: 1 tsp of herb in 1 C boiling water steeped for 13 minutes in a covered container (protecting the oil), and works well for pale skin and blood stuck in the interior; drank 3x per day, however, if feverish should be drank hourly
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), 2-4 ml taken 3x per day
Constituents: flavonoids, vitamin C, bitters, tannins, alkaloids, sterols, phenolic acids (including salicylates), coumarins, sesquiterpene lactones (including achilleion), volatile oils (including the toxic thujone, irritating borneol, stimulating camphor, antiseptic pinenes...)
Taste: pungent, bitter, astringent, acrid, diffusive, aromatic
Effects: blood normalizer, diaphoretic (mainly on the skin), warming and cooling, generating and controlling fluids, hemostatic, normalizer of circulation, diuretic, hypotensive, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, bitter, hepatic
Medical Use:
It tones the blood vessels and is able to assist the blood through clotting, unclotting, neurovascular control, regulate blood flow to and from the surface, in and out of capillaries (which are soothed due to the flavonoids) and venules, as well as working to thicken or thin the blood – through this (and being antimicrobial) it effectively cures all sorts of wounds, bruises and hemorrhaging
Can be helpful in dealing with fever by moving blood to and from the surface, releasing heat and regulating fluids – or dealing with any kind of inflammation; this movement of blood works to lower the blood pressure and help with conditions associated with hypertension
Stimulates digestion and is helpful with heat and congestion in the digestive tract, abdomen, portal vein, and liver – bringing blood to the surface therein improving digestion and assimilation
Can help to bring on menses or curtail them when excessive
Useful for treating infections such as cystitis, working as a urinary tract antiseptic
Works with the kidneys to normalize the distribution, secretion, and elimination of water in the body
Contraindications: not recommended when there is passive, dark coagulated flow (use shepard’s purse), but instead should be used when hemorrhages are bright red
Can provoke diaphoresis when the skin is in an atonic weakened condition
Some people have allergic reaction to members of the aster family
Can be alright during pregnancy, but should not be consumed in high doses
History or Folklore: was called the ‘master of blood’
Indicated by an elongated pointy red tongue (indication of heat), but with bluish undertones in the middle (can often be reflected in the whole complexion), indicating venous stagnation – often dry in the middle indicating the heat is driving off the fluids
Pulse is usually rapid, full and nonresistant; showing that the heat is having its way with the tissue
Latin Name: Aesculus Hippocastanum
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Common Name: Horse Chestnut
Family: Hippocastanaceae, Sapindaceae
Habitat: native to Western Asia but naturalized in the western hemisphere
Botany: Is a tree, but should not to be confused with the buckeye, the North American relative
Parts Used: seed, pericarp
Collecting: when dropping due to ripeness
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 1-4 ml taken 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1-2 tsp of dried seed and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes; drank 3x per day
Constituents: flavonoids, tannins, fatty acids, sterols, triterpene saponin glycosides, coumarin derivatives
Taste: pungent, astringent
Effects: astringent, anti-inflammatory, venous tonic
Medical Use:
Works to increase the elasticity and tone of the veins while decreasing vein permeability
Latin Name: Anethum Graveolens
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Common Name: Dill
Family: Apiaceae, celery
Botany: an annual herb growing to 2 feet tall, with a hollow stem and soft finely divided leaves. Flowers are white to yellow in small umbels
Parts Used: seed
Constituents: volatile oil, flavonoids, coumarins, xanthone derivatives, triterpenes, phenolic acids, protein, fixed oil
Effects: carminative, aromatic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, galactagogue
Medical Use:
Works well as a remedy for flatulence and associated colic, specifically well suited for children
Chewing seeds can aid in cases of bad breath
Can increase the flow of milk in nursing mothers
Contraindications: contact with juice from the plant may cause phytodematitis
Latin Name: Pimpinella Anisum
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Common Name: Anise, aniseed
Family: Apiaceae
Habitat: native to the Eastern Mediterranean regions and Southwest Asia
Botany: it is an annual herb growing to around 3 feet with leaves changing from being long (.5-2 in) and shallowly lobed near the base to being feathery pinnate and divided into numerous leaves higher up the step. The flowers are white and small in size (1/8 in) but are produced in dense umbels. Grows best in light, fertile, well-drained soils. Should be planted as soon as the ground warms up in the Spring, and because of having a tap root it is better to plant directly into the ground because it does not transplant well, unless done when it is still very small.
Parts Used: seed
Constituents: volatile oil, coumarins, flavonoids, phenylpropanoids, lipids, fatty acids, sterols, proteins, carbohydrates
Taste: sweet, similar to star anise, fennel (in the some Middle Eastern cultures the two are used interchangeably and referred by the same name) and licorice
Effects: expectorant, antispasmodic, carminative, antimicrobial, aromatic, galactagogue
Medical Use:
Contraindications: may be photosensitizing
May interfere with the activity of anticoagulant therapy
Tincture: (1:5 in 25%), 2-4 ml taken 3x per day
Infusion: pour 1 C of boiling water over 1-2 tsp of gently crushed seeds and infuse in a covered container for 10-15 minutes; for treating flatulence take 1 C of the infusion prior to eating a meal
Tincture: (1:5 in 40%), 1-4 ml taken 3x per day
Infusion: gently crush the seeds just prior to use, then pour 1 C boiling water over 1-2 tsp of the seeds and infuse in a covered container for 5-10 minutes; taken 3x per day. The infusion should be drank slowly before meals to treat flatulence
Essential oil: 1 drop of essential oil may be taken internally by mixing it into 1 tsp of honey
The herbs volatile oils are very helpful for conditions of griping, intestinal colic, and flatulence
Working as both antispasmodic and expectorant it is very useful for bronchitis, tracheitis, whooping cough, and when there is a persistent irritable cough
Used externally in oil, it helps control lice, and can be used for the treatment of scabies
Has a mild estrogenic effect and was traditionally recommended in folk medicine to increase milk secretion, facilitate birth, and increase libido